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99_More effective for Work and Life.

hideboyon edited this page Aug 5, 2020 · 8 revisions

Reference links for work efficiently.

WindowsでHHKB Professional2をMac風に使うための設定

Windows 10の「仮想デスクトップ」で並行作業を効率化する

Windows 10 仮想デスクトップを便利にカスタマイズできるアプリ「SylphyHorn」


論理的思考の放棄の具体的方法 (集中のコツ)

Recommended Books.

It's important to know how to apply the books I read to my everyday work and life.

I'll leave it here as a reminder to myself.

My father, who is now deceased, ended up just revealing his knowledge of the books he read.He was a bit of as an antagonist, but now he's turned out that knowledge into wisdom.Thanks to my fother for maiking me awaer of this,and makingme actually use it.

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (English Edition) Kindle
It is a story about the human organism from a super bird's eye view. The interesting thing is that it is similar to the blog "Abandonment of Logical Thinking" by the genius programmer I mentioned above. The part where the individual was. Humans are not made to think logically in the first place...part of it.

Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow (English Edition) Kindle
On the nexe generation of the human. I was reading about how I only saw things from a human perespectice,and that there is such a thing as the self.Its'a little scary to hting that may be it's just an illusion,and so on and so forth,but it's aslo a little scary to think that the human species it's a reat nurient for the brain to help myself think about where i'm going and what i want to be. Good book!

Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day (English Edition) Kindle
The content is very simple.There plenty of tips that I can do ritght away and try. "You don't have to do them all, just find the ones that suit you", so you can easily put them into practice. Thanks to this book, I'm not spending my evenings on youtube or twitter, but more importantly on I am now able to spned my time on.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
I'd get into self-help books and get bored after tow or three days, and then I'd read them and they all said the same thing.I was tired of being there, I finally came to this book that foucused on making it a habit.I can't do everything in here, not everything, but I have to do it to imprint it on my unconscious mind.I writhe the most important lines from this book in my diary almost every day for.Honestly,this one self-book is enough for me.




サピエンス 上下

ホモ・デウス 上下

日本語版タイトルは「時間術大全――人生が本当に変わる「87の時間ワザ」 Kindle版」と大げさだけど、内容はとってもシンプルで今すぐ使える、やってみようと思える Tips が大量にある。実際にこれのおかげで、Twitter / Youtube などで時間を浪費することが減った。

7つの習慣 人格主義の回復
自己啓発とかハマっては2日~3日で飽きてしまい、読んではどれもこれも同じことが書いてあって疲弊してしまっていた。最終的に [習慣化] することにフォーカスしたこの本に辿りついた。ここに書いてあること、すべて実行できるわけじゃないけど、無意識に刷り込むために、自分にとって一番大切なセリフはほぼ毎日、日記に書いている。正直、自己啓発本はこれ一冊、これ一冊だけに集中すればいい。