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Data Visualization and Analytics Interview at Hiflylabs


This is a publicly available dataset of a Brazilian Online Store. The dataset has information of 100k orders from 2016 to 2018 made at multiple marketplaces in Brazil. Its features allows viewing an order from multiple dimensions: from order status, price, payment and freight performance to customer location, product attributes and finally reviews written by customers. We also released a geolocation dataset that relates Brazilian zip codes to lat/lng coordinates.

This is real commercial data, it has been anonymised, and references to the companies and partners in the review text have been replaced.


  • An order might have multiple items.
  • Each item might be fulfilled by a distinct seller.
  • All text identifying stores and partners where replaced by the names of Game of Thrones great houses.

Understanding the Dataset


This dataset has information about the customer and its location. Use it to identify unique customers in the orders dataset and to find the orders delivery location.

At our system each order is assigned to a unique customer_id. This means that the same customer will get different ids for different orders. The purpose of having a customer_unique_id on the dataset is to allow you to identify customers that made repurchases at the store. Otherwise you would find that each order had a different customer associated with.

Column Name Description
customer_id key to the orders dataset. Each order has a unique customer_id
customer_unique_id unique identifier of a customer
customer_zip_code_prefix first five digits of customer zip code
customer_city customer city name
customer_state customer state


This dataset has information Brazilian zip codes and its lat/lng coordinates. Use it to plot maps and find distances between sellers and customers.

Column Name Description
geolocation_zip_code_prefix first 5 digits of zip code
geolocation_lat latitude
geolocation_lng longitude
geolocation_city city name
geolocation_state state


This dataset includes data about the items purchased within each order.


The order_id = 00143d0f86d6fbd9f9b38ab440ac16f5 has 3 items (same product). Each item has the freight calculated accordingly to its measures and weight. To get the total freight value for each order you just have to sum.

The total order_item value is: 21.33 * 3 = 63.99

The total freight value is: 15.10 * 3 = 45.30

The total order value (product + freight) is: 45.30 + 63.99 = 109.29

Column Name Description
order_id order unique identifier
order_item_id sequential number identifying number of items included in the same order
product_id product unique identifier
seller_id seller unique identifier
shipping_limit_date shows the seller shipping limit date for handling the order over to the logistic partner
selling_price item price
freight_value item freight value item (if an order has more than one item the freight value is splitted between items)
cost_price cost of each shipment
payment_value_map -


This dataset includes data about the orders payment options.

Column Name Description
order_id unique identifier of an order
payment_sequential a customer may pay an order with more than one payment method. If he does so, a sequence will be created to accommodate all payments
payment_type method of payment chosen by the customer
payment_installments number of installments chosen by the customer
payment_value transaction value


This dataset includes data about the reviews made by the customers.

After a customer purchases the product from Webshop a seller gets notified to fulfill that order. Once the customer receives the product, or the estimated delivery date is due, the customer gets a satisfaction survey by email where he can give a note for the purchase experience and write down some comments.

Column Name Description
review_id unique review identifier
order_id unique order identifier
review_score note ranging from 1 to 5 given by the customer on a satisfaction survey
review_comment_title comment title from the review left by the customer, in Portuguese
review_comment_message comment message from the review left by the customer, in Portuguese
review_creation_date shows the date in which the satisfaction survey was sent to the customer
review_answer_timestamp shows satisfaction survey answer timestamp


This is the core dataset. From each order you might find all other information.

Column Name Description
order_id unique identifier of an order
customer_id key to the customer dataset. Each order has a unique customer_id
order_status reference to the order status (delivered, shipped, etc)
order_purchase_timestamp shows the purchase timestamp
order_approved_at shows the payment approval timestamp
order_delivered_carrier_date shows the order posting timestamp. When it was handled to the logistic partner
order_delivered_customer_date shows the actual order delivery date to the customer
order_estimated_delivery_date shows the estimated delivery date that was informed to customer at the purchase moment
campaign order was sent within a campaign period
campaign_type which campaign period the order was made


This dataset includes data about the products sold by the Webshop.

Column Name Description
product_id unique product identifier
product_category_name root category of product, in Portuguese
product_name_lenght number of characters extracted from the product name
product_description_lenght number of characters extracted from the product description
product_photos_qty number of product published photos
product_weight_g product weight measured in grams
product_length_cm product length measured in centimeters
product_height_cm product height measured in centimeters
product_width_cm product width measured in centimeters


This dataset includes data about the sellers that fulfilled orders made at Olist. Use it to find the seller location and to identify which seller fulfilled each product.

Column Name Description
seller_id seller unique identifier
seller_zip_code_prefix first 5 digits of seller zip code
seller_city seller city name
seller_state seller state


Translates the product_category_name to English.

Column Name Description
product_category_name category name in Portuguese
product_category_name_english category name in English


Column Name Description
customer_id key to the customer dataset
avg_time_on_website average time spent on the website in a hh:mm:ss format
exit a flag if exited without buying
order_flag the customer ordered
source store visit source
new_users a flag for a new user
platform which device was used during the engagement
clicks number of total clicks for a customer
nr_of_products_viewed an aggregate number of products viewed during a lifetime
nr_of_relatable_products_viewed number of relatable products viewed
browser preferred browser used by the customer
ad_click the customer clicked on at least 1 ad during their lifetime

Data Schema

The data is divided in multiple datasets for better understanding and organization. Please refer to the following data schema when working with it: Data Schema


Task 1 - Data Modeling & Visualization

In the following task we'd like to understand your data modeling and visualization skills. Whether you understand the abstraction difference between Executive and Operational dashboards.

  • Using the above mentioned semantic model diagram assamble the following data model in Power BI.
  • Build a comprehensive dashboard (i.e. multiple report pages) on which a C-level Executive can visually run a health-check on the company.
  • Build an tactical report page where one can track the website's performance in attracting new users and generating revenue.
  • Name a few business drivers that executives can use to track the business's success.
  • Explore at least three distinct areas in detail in your solution.


Multiple areas can be explored in the data model. Some examples are:

  • Sales
  • Orders
  • Sellers
  • Logistics
  • Customers
  • Web Analytics

Task 2 - Insight Generation

In this section we would like to assess your ability to make sense of the data at hand pinpoint the critical aspects of it and your general skills in data storytelling.

  • Name the three most important insights to a C-level executive. Explain your findings in detail. What are the business actions one could take on your insights?
  • You can use any method of presentation in your solution.


Onboarding tasks in Data Analytics






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