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Votee is a library of data structures and algorithms for counting votes in Elections. This library is inspired from the Agora vote counting library. It is a lightweight vote counting library implemented in scala 3.

Currently, the following vote counting algorithms are implemented:

  • Approval
  • Baldwin
  • Borda
  • Contingent
  • Coomb
  • Exhausive Ballot
  • Majority
  • Super Majority
  • Veto

Core Concepts

The library is meant to be highly extensible by the user. It was designed to be used with your own components such as your own definition of a Ballot or Candidate. The library consist of the following core concepts.

  1. Election
  2. Ballot
  3. Candidate
  4. TieResolver
  5. Winner

Each of these components are made to be extensible, however the library is provided with a default implementation of each component. This enables users to use the library or test it without implementing their own components.


Currently, the library isn't yet published to maven hence developers will have to use the JAR provided in the output folder. Follow the steps bellow to add votee to your scala application.

  1. Add sbt-github-packages plugin to enable sbt to consume the package

    Add this line to your ./project/plugins.sbt

    addSbtPlugin("com.codecommit" % "sbt-github-packages" % "0.5.3")

  2. Add library resolver and dependencies to ./build.sbt

       githubTokenSource := TokenSource.Environment("GITHUB_TOKEN")
       resolvers += Resolver.githubPackages("hiis-io")
       libraryDependencies += "io.hiis" %% "votee" % "<version>"
  3. Create a GitHub token from GitHub with permissions (repo and package) Create and copy a GitHub token with permissions repo and package then create an Environment variable called GITHUB_TOKEN on your computer which has as value to token generated from GitHub.

    • On Windows Command prompt(cmd) run setx GITHUB_TOKEN <token_from_github>

    • On Mac or Linux go to ~/.profile and add the line export GITHUB_TOKEN=<token_from_github>

  4. Test the library with the following code snippet

       import spire.math.Rational
       import io.hiis.votee.algorithms.Majority
       import io.hiis.votee.models.{Election, PreferentialBallot, PreferentialCandidate, TieResolver}
       import scala.util.Random
       object Main extends App {
         val candidates = List(PreferentialCandidate("a", "A"), PreferentialCandidate("b", "B"))
         val ballots = List(
           PreferentialBallot(1, Rational(1), Random.shuffle(candidates)),
           PreferentialBallot(2, Rational(1), Random.shuffle(candidates)),
           PreferentialBallot(3, Rational(1), Random.shuffle(candidates)),
           PreferentialBallot(4, Rational(1), Random.shuffle(candidates)),
           PreferentialBallot(5, Rational(1), Random.shuffle(candidates)),
           PreferentialBallot(6, Rational(1), Random.shuffle(candidates)),
           PreferentialBallot(7, Rational(1), Random.shuffle(candidates)),
           PreferentialBallot(9, Rational(1), Random.shuffle(candidates)),
           PreferentialBallot(10, Rational(1), Random.shuffle(candidates)))
         //given tieResolver: TieResolver[PreferentialCandidate] = Election.TieResolvers.randomTieResolver[PreferentialCandidate]
         val winner =, candidates, 1)
         println(s"Winner is: ${winner}")

Extending the core components

  1. Candidate: If the current implementation of the Candidate doesn't suit your needs you can create yours by extending the candidate trait

       import io.hiis.votee.models.Candidate
       final case class MyCandidate(override val id: String, name: String, ...) extends Candidate(id)
  2. Ballot: You are advised not to build your own Ballot and rather used the builtin implementation which is PreferentialBallot. You can however extend the current implementation of Ballot if you really have to. Below is how the PreferentialBallot is implemented.

      import io.hiis.votee.models.{Ballot, Candidate}
      import spire.math.Rational
      final case class PreferentialBallot[+C <: Candidate](override val id: Int, override val weight: Rational = Rational(1, 1), override val preferences: Seq[C])
          extends Ballot[C, PreferentialBallot](id, weight, preferences) :
          override def --[CC >: C <: Candidate](candidates: Seq[CC]): PreferentialBallot[CC] = PreferentialBallot(id, weight, preferences.filterNot(candidates.contains(_)))
          override def ++[CC >: C <: Candidate](candidates: Seq[CC]): PreferentialBallot[CC] = PreferentialBallot(id, weight, candidates ++ preferences)
      end PreferentialBallot
  3. TieResolver: There are 3 implementations of TieResolver which you can simply import from Election.TieResolvers. TieResolvers describe how the algorithms should resolve ties, which is absolutely necessary when running the election. Below are the different TieResolvers already implemented in the library.

    1. DoNothingTieResolver (Default)
    2. RandomTieResolver
    3. ReverseTieResolver

    If for some reason you would like to resolve ties differently from what is proposed above, you need to implement the TieResolver trait. Below is the contract

      import spire.math.Rational
      import io.hiis.votee.models.Candidate
       * TieResolver describes the contract on how to resolve candidates with the same scores.
       * Given a list of candidates with the same score return a new list with a desired ordering.
       * The resolve function must satisfy the following conditions:
       * 1. Total number of elements in the original list should be same as that of returned list
       * 2. All elements in the original list should be found in the returned list
       * @tparam C
       trait TieResolver[C <: Candidate]:
         def resolve(candidateScores: List[(C, Rational)]): List[(C, Rational)]
