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Hila Shoshan edited this page Jan 5, 2020 · 3 revisions

This class contains methods that can paint a graph to the screen, using StdDraw class and JFrame.


GUI explanation:

You van choose three options:

**1. graph: **

save - choose a name and save the graph as a file.

load - init a saved graph from a file.

show graph - to draw the graph: the black circles represents the nodes, and the numbers on it: the keys. there is an arrow from source to dest where exists dirrected edge. the weights of the edges are represented as a number on the edge, closer to dest node.

**2. algorithms: **

All the optional algorithms to do on the graph.

**3. add / remove: **

Enable add / remove node or edge from the graph.

  • public Graph_GUI() - init a new graph_gui.
  • private void drawGraph()- this function Rebooting the entire drawing window. This function drawing all the vertexs and edges on the screen.
  • private String likeString(List<node_data> path)- return string of all the vertex in our graph.
  • private void paintPath(List<node_data> path, double minX, double maxX, double maxY)- paint the way (edges) between src vertex and dest vertex.
  • private void init()- creating menuBar on the drawing window. Its show the options that you can do on the graph, like: show the graph, save and load the graph to a file, show if connected + the shortes path between 2 vertex, add + remove vertex/edge from the graph.
  • public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)- The function pops up a window - and asks the user to write down what they want to do (depending on the activity they chose - the previous function).
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