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Hilari edited this page Oct 29, 2014 · 1 revision
  1. Name at least one method, where a breakpoint will stop the application execution right after pressing the "New purchase" button. newPurchaseButtonClicked()

  2. Name a method, where a breakpoint will stop the application execution right after pressing the "Confirm" button (during confirming the order). submitPurchaseButtonClicked()

  3. List the subclasses of the java.awt.Container class, which regularly call doLayout() method (if you randomly use the application, Hint: put the breakpoint to the method Container#doLayout()) JPanel, JTable, JTextField, JRootPane, JLayeredPane, JTabbedPane, JScrollPane etc.

  4. How many times the constructor new String() (without argument) in the class java.lang.String is used after pressing the New purchase button. 0 times.

  5. How many times the constructor new JPanel() (without argument) in the class javax.swing.JPanel is used after pressing the New purchase button. 0 times.