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Initial Draft

HimajaYerra edited this page Aug 11, 2018 · 4 revisions

Audio data - it is the array of sound pressure amplitudes at a constant sample rate.

Sample rate - Time series data - It is the series of data points represented in a timely fashion.

Time series Analysis - These methods are used to study the behavior of time series data while, Time Series Forecasting methods are used to predict the future data points of a given time series.

In this project, we are using Time series analysis to in defining the characteristics of patient breadth data and mark each data point to either reliable or non- reliable.

Later, the classified data is used as the training data for a classifier that will predict the data reliability of data points in unseen data

For the model:

Features - Data Points sampled at appropriate frequency Label - Reliability measure

Time - series Anomaly detection

For literature review - Wavenet paper explained in detail Wavenet model implementation: