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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 8, 2024. It is now read-only.

Security: Himasnhu-AT/D-App


Security Policy

Supported Versions

Please ensure that you are using a supported version of our project. We provide security updates and fixes for the following versions:

Version Supported

Reporting a Vulnerability

We take security vulnerabilities seriously and appreciate the responsible disclosure of such issues. If you discover a security vulnerability within our project, please report it to us promptly. We kindly request that you follow these steps:

  1. Email: Send an email to [To Be Updaate] with a detailed description of the vulnerability. Please encrypt sensitive information using our PGP key (if available).

  2. Expectations: You can expect to receive an acknowledgment of your report within 24 hours. We will then work to confirm the vulnerability and its impact on our project.

  3. Resolution: Our security team will strive to respond to and address the vulnerability promptly. Once the issue is confirmed and resolved, we will release a security patch or update.

  4. Disclosure: After the vulnerability has been resolved and a patch is available, we will coordinate with you to disclose the issue. We greatly appreciate responsible disclosure and may not credit you as of now for your assistance (but soon).

  5. Updates: We will keep you informed about the progress of the vulnerability resolution and any updates to the project's status.


Please note that this security policy applies only to vulnerabilities related to the project's codebase and infrastructure. It does not cover security issues in third-party libraries or dependencies. We recommend reporting such issues directly to the maintainers of the affected software.

Thank you for helping us keep our project secure.

There aren’t any published security advisories