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What is lsp-api?

Lsp-api is a library (As the author, I prefer the term: Framework) to 
limit the developers to define data access layer and accessing data.

Why limit the way to define & access data access layer?

Its because good things always comes from the point "Simple made easy, not the reverse"
And ordinary way to define & access data access layer is a mess (its only from my own perspective).

Did it really get simpler?


Ordinary way to access the server data

type UserProfile = {
    name: string,
    age: number,
    gender: string

async function getThePostsOfTheUser(userId: number, deleted: boolean, dateGreaterThan: Date): Promise<UserProfile> {
    return await fetch(
        deleted=${deleted}&dateGreaterThan: ${dateGreaterThan}`
    ).then(async rs => {
        return (await rs.json()) as UserProfile

lsi-api way to access the server data

type GeneralResponse<T> = {
    success: boolean,
    message: string
    data: T

export type UserPosts = {
    "(Rest/get /users/:userId/posts?:deleted&:dateGreaterThan selfMappings (get posts of the user))": {
        req: {
            userId: number,
            deleted: boolean,
            dateGreaterThan: Date
        res: GeneralResponse<{
             name: string,
             age: number,
             gender: string

After that you just call the api Alt text If you need to add more api on the userPosts just do below:

export type UserPosts = {
    "(Rest/get /users/:userId/posts?:deleted&:dateGreaterThan selfMappings (get posts of the user))": {
        req: {
            userId: number,
            deleted: boolean,
            dateGreaterThan: Date
        res: GeneralResponse<{
            name: string,
            age: number,
            gender: string
    "(Rest/post /users/:userId/posts {:userId id} asBody (add post of the user))": {
        req: {
            id: number,
            title: string,
            content: string
        res: GeneralResponse<any>

And after that you just call the new api: Alt text

It seems that did get simpler, but what if I made a typo in the api definition?

Dont worry!!! There is compiler for you.
import the compileAll function to your entrypoint and add it to the main funciton, thats`s all.

import {compileAll, evalApi, RestRequestSender, LocalStorageManager} from 'lsp-api'

const restRequestSender: RestRequestSender = async (url, method, requestBody) => {
    return {};
const localStorageManager: LocalStorageManager = {
    store: function (key: string, data: object): void {
        throw new Error('Function not implemented.');
    retrieve: function (key: string): object {
        throw new Error('Function not implemented.');

compileAll(restRequestSender, localStorageManager)

Here is it: Alt text

It seems that I have to memorize a lot of other "language" syntaxes?

Yes and No!!

You do have to memorize some syntax but its all the same with `clojure` language. 
And `clojure` is a diglt of Lisp. You just need to remeber to close your parenthesešŸ˜†, thats It!!!

The syntax is simple and not too much and all of them are the same from the higher view.
Here is the some syntaxs:

(Rest/get url-with-formatting url-formatting-mappings (comments))
   (Rest/get /users/:id/posts/:postId {:id userId :postId postId} (get the post of the user) 
   (Rest/get /users/:id/posts?:deleted&:postedDateGreater selfMappings (get the posts of the user))

(Rest/post" url-with-formatting url-formatting-mappings requestBodyMappings (comments))
   (Rest/post" /users/:id/posts {:id userId} asBody (add post of the user))
   (Rest/post" /users/:id/posts selfMappings asBody (add post of the user))

When should use lsp-api?

When you get fucked by the selftalking api definitions.

How to use lsp-api

1.Install the lsp-api

npm install lsp-api

2.Add the template to your project folder 'data/api/index.ts

import {evalApi} from 'lsp-api'

type GeneralResponse<T> = {
    success: boolean,
    message: string
    data: T

export type Examples = {
    "(Rest/get /users/:id/posts?:deleted&:dateGreaterThan selfMappings)": {
        req: {
            id: number,
            deleted: boolean,
            dateGreaterThan: string
        res: GeneralResponse<{
            id: number,
            title: string,
            content: string
    "(Rest/post /users/:id/posts selfMappings asBody (Add post of the user))": {
        req: {
            id: number,
            title: string,
            content: string
        res: GeneralResponse<any>
    "(Rest/delete /users/:id/posts/:postId selfMappings asBody (Delete the post of the user))": {
        req: {
            id: number,
            postId: number
        res: GeneralResponse<any>
    "(Rest/put /users/:id/posts/:postId selfMappings asBody (update the post)": {
        req: {
            id: number,
            postId: number,
            title: string,
            content: string
        res: GeneralResponse<any>
    "(Rest/patch /users/:id/posts/:postId?:titleOnly selfMappings asBody (patching the post)": {
        req: {
            id: number,
            postId: number,
            titleOnly: boolean,
            title: string,
            content: string
        res: GeneralResponse<any>
    "(Local/get-in user-profile (get the profile of the user))": {
        req: {},
        res: {
            id?: number,
            name?: string,
            age?: number
    "(Local/set-in user-profile (set the profile of the user))": {
        req: {
            id?: number,
            name?: string,
            age?: number
        res: {}

//Api definition in Lisp syntax
//An API is an abstraction to completely remove the complexity to the users of the API.
//The users of the APIS should only care about three things.
//1.I need to use an api to do something.
//2.what data is needed for the operation that I need to do.
//3.what data it will return.

//An API is not only a symbol of the API, It should be the code itself to explain how to send the request.
//Furthermore, the api types or definition should be a library dependency provided by backend developer in lisp syntax.
//Second, The API should be able to eval to http request format in any http request library,
//Like axios or fetch, a simple example in lisp syntax: (to-axios-request apiDef data) (to-fetch-request apiDef data)

//Add more APIS here with the syntax: APIs<SystemAPI & xxxAPISet & AnotherAPISet>
export type Apis = (Examples)
export type FlattedApis = {
    [K in keyof Apis]: {
        apiDef: K,
        reqDef: Apis[K]
export type FlattedApis = {
    [K in keyof Apis]: {
        apiDef: K,
        reqDef: Apis[K]
type RequestTypeOfTheApiGeneric<T extends keyof FlattedApis> = FlattedApis[T]['reqDef']['req']
type ResponseTypeOfTheApiGeneric<T extends keyof FlattedApis> = FlattedApis[T]['reqDef']['res']

export async function api<T extends keyof FlattedApis>(api: T, req: RequestTypeOfTheApiGeneric<T>): Promise<T> {
    return evalApi(api, req);

3.Add compileLsp.js to your project root folder with below content

const fs = require("fs")
const lspApi = require('lsp-api')

//The location of the apis, and where to store the api metadatas, and the wrapper for the fsf module.
lspApi.compileAll(process.cwd() + "/data/api", "/data/api/apiMetadata.json" {
    statSync(path) {
        return fs.statSync(path);
    readFileSync(file, encoding) {
        return fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf-8')
    readdirSync(dir) {
        return fs.readdirSync(dir)
    writeFileSync(file, content, encoding) {
        fs.writeFileSync(file, content, 'utf-8')
    existsSync(path) {
        return fs.existsSync(path)

4.Add the npm task compileLsp

"compileLsp": "node lspCompiler.js"

5.Change the npm task start to below

"start" : "npm run compileLsp && replace your command here"

6.Setup evalApi, add below code to your entrypoint file.

import {setup, HttpMethod, LocalStorageManager, RestRequestSender} from 'lsp-api'

//load the apiMetadata from the api folder
//The apiMetadata is generated by the compiler.
import metadata from './apiMetadata.json'
setup((url, method, requestBody) => {
    return {}
}, {
    store(key: string, data: object) {
    retrieve(key: string): object {
        return {}
}, metadata)

7.Add More apis to the type API in the data/api/index.ts file

//Add more APIS here with the syntax: API<SystemAPI & xxxAPISet & AnotherAPISet>
export type Apis = API<UserPosts | anotherApis | xxxAPIS>

8.Write api definition based on the examples

type GeneralResponse<T> = {
    success: boolean,
    message: string
    data: T

export type Examples = {
    "(Rest/get /users/:id/posts?:deleted&:dateGreaterThan selfMappings)": {
        req: {
            id: number,
            deleted: boolean,
            dateGreaterThan: string
        res: GeneralResponse<{
            id: number,
            title: string,
            content: string
    "(Rest/post /users/:id/posts selfMappings asBody (Add post of the user))": {
        req: {
            id: number,
            title: string,
            content: string
        res: GeneralResponse<any>
    "(Rest/delete /users/:id/posts/:postId selfMappings asBody (Delete the post of the user))": {
        req: {
            id: number,
            postId: number
        res: GeneralResponse<any>
    "(Rest/put /users/:id/posts/:postId selfMappings asBody (update the post)": {
        req: {
            id: number,
            postId: number,
            title: string,
            content: string
        res: GeneralResponse<any>
    "(Rest/patch /users/:id/posts/:postId?:titleOnly selfMappings asBody (patching the post)": {
        req: {
            id: number,
            postId: number,
            titleOnly: boolean,
            title: string,
            content: string
        res: GeneralResponse<any>
    "(Local/get-in user-profile (get the profile of the user))": {
        req: {},
        res: {
            id?: number,
            name?: string,
            age?: number
    "(Local/set-in user-profile (set the profile of the user))": {
        req: {
            id?: number,
            name?: string,
            age?: number
        res: {}


A Lisp way to define & access data access layer







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