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Himmelt edited this page Aug 23, 2019 · 9 revisions

Locket Plugin for Sponge

Use the wall-sign to protect your blocks!

Main Command

  1. main /locket
  2. alias /lock

How to lock a block?

  1. Holding a sign and right click the target block!(need permission locket.lock)
  2. Right click to select a wall-sign, and execute the command /lock!(need permission locket.lock)

How to add a user?

  1. Right click to select a wall-sign, and execute the command /lock <line(2|3)> <player>!(need permission locket.lock)

How to remove a user?

  1. Right click to select a wall-sign, and execute the command /lock remove <line>!(need permission locket.lock)

How to add/remove a block type to the lockable blocks list?

  1. Execute the command /lock type +/- <block_id>!(need permission locket.admin)
  2. Execute the command /lock type +/- when held a block item.(need permission locket.admin)
  3. Add/remove the type id in config file, and execute command /lock reload(need permission locket.admin)

How to add/remove a double-block(chest e.g.) to the lockable blocks list?

  1. Execute the command /lock type ++/-- <block_id>!(need permission locket.admin)
  2. Execute the command /lock type ++/-- when held a block item.(need permission locket.admin)
  3. Add/remove the type id in config file, and execute command /lock reload(need permission locket.admin)
