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Renzo edited this page Jul 17, 2020 · 7 revisions


Errors can happen for multiple reasons - invalid parameters, wrong endpoint address, or even server-side issues. We will use conventional HTTP response codes: 2xx codes indicate success, 4xx codes indicate errors in the information provided (typo in endpoint addresses, required attribute was omitted, etc.), and 5xx codes indicate an error on our end.

We will also use specific error types and responses so you can better understand what happened and how to fix the issue.

HTTP Code Status Summary

Code Description
200 - Ok! Everything worked!
404 - Not found The resource endpoint requested was not found. Usually due to an incorrect HTTP verb for requested endopint, or a typo in the endpoint address
422 - Invalid parameters The request body contains invalid attributes or omits reqiured ones.
500 - Internal server error Something went wrong on our end! This is also the "default" error code - if an unintentional or uncaught error occurs, this will be the error code.

Error types

These types will be included in the body of error responses so you can better understand the error that occurred.

Type Description
api_error an error popped up on our end - if persistent, contact us!
invalid_endpoint_error the requested endpoint doesn't exist - usually due to an incorrect HTTP verb or typo in the endpoint address
invalid_request_error the request had data in the body that was invalid, or omitted and is required
doc_not_found_error the request tried accessing a document that doesn't exist
doc_already_exists_error the POST request tried creating a new document with an identifier that already points to an existing document
immutable_attribute_error the PUT request tried updating an attribute that is immutable and cannot be changed
rate_limit_error too many requests were sent in a short amount of time, so the request could not go through

Error object

All error responses will contain an error object that looks something like this:

  "type": "specific error type",
  "code": "HTTP error code",
  "message": "human-readable message explaining the error",
  "param": "if applicable, the invalid/omitted parameter",
  "original": null


Name Data type Description
type string the specific error type, as defined here
code string the HTTP error response code
message string a human-readable message explaining the error
param string or null the invalid/omitted parameter in the request body, if applicable (null otherwise)
original null or Object a server error of unknown origin, if applicable (null otherwise). This is only accompanied with 500 code server errors