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Django SMS Toolkit

Django module to send and store SMS with Twilio.

It is useful to read this before implementing any project involving phone numbers.


To release a new version via, follow the steps in this link.

To release a new version via git commands, follow this documentation.

You can see the releases here.


You can refer here for semantics of versioning.


  1. pip install django-sms-toolkit.

  2. Add django_sms_toolkit to the INSTALLED_APPS in the settings file.

  3. Configure settings.

    "SEND_SMS": True,  # True by default.
    "TWILIO": {
        "ACCOUNT_SID": "",
        "AUTH_TOKEN": "",
        "TRIM_LONG_BODY": True,  # True by default. Makes sure character limit is not exceeded.
  1. python migrate

  2. Include urls to be able to receive message status callbacks from Twilio.

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^', include('django_sms_toolkit.urls')),
  1. (Optional) Add TwilioMessageMixin to your auth user model.
from django_sms_toolkit.models import TwilioMessageMixin

class AuthUser(TwilioMessageMixin,...):
# Default from number provided in settings is used if from_number is not provided.
user.send_sms(body, from_number=None)
# OR
from django_sms_toolkit.tasks import send_sms
send_sms.delay(from_number, to_number, body, recipient_id=None)


Please open an issue for support.


Please contribute using Github Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request.