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covering the fundamental security logics using pure php

file extension to care about

php coded files should be with php extension, otherwise these will not compiled and will be visible for the contents

xss attack

loading the data from the database back should be escape harmful chars relating with xss.
In this sample project, I use htmlspecialchars

password hashing

using the buildin php funtion password_hash and verifying back password_verify . eg. password_hash('password',PASSWORD_DEFAULT,['cost' => 10]);

Hiding dir listing

using .htaccess to forbid the access of viewing our dirs . eg. Options -Indexes

Httponly cookies

store cookies with httponly so that client side can't get any cookies data. Only server side can get . Normally should not store any plain text value cookies.


attackers can emit an ajax request to do pretty problematic issues . putting a session token like a middlware can prevent this kind of issues . I generate a session token, adding in form and make conditional statement it matches the token or not after submitting the form . I use bin2hex(random_bytes(int)) for generating the random token . For < php 7 , use openssl_random_pseudo_bytes

SQL Injection

attackers can simply make sql injection attack very easily and vice versa can easily prevent using prepare statement . Example . $connection = $db->prepare("query = :param"). Then execute . $connection->execute([ . 'param' => $value . ]);

Error Reporting

You can control the debugging reports easily in php.ini. If you dont want to manage php.ini. These below two statements can be used . ini_set('display_errors','Off') . error_reporting(0)


covering the fundamental security logics using pure php






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