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Michal Dengusiak edited this page Feb 23, 2024 · 5 revisions


  • Add Point ShortCut[Ctrl + O]

Add Point

  • Add Process ShortCut[Ctrl + R] - select process and provide starting point by clicking on chart or type value in start box. For most processes, there are few calculation type methods.
    Use Customize - to adjust start point, end point, process label and line color

Add Process

  • Edit/Delete - ShortCut[Ctrl + D] This allow you to delete points or processes and edit labels and color.

  • Epsilon - knowing your process direction defined as dh/dx will allow you to draw on chart. After selecting epsilon click start point (click on chart) then specify epsilon (Default is 2501) direction value and then endpoint is calculated from the given Humidity Ratio value.(epsilon = 2501 follow enthalpy line) This is used to replicate room process or cooling if know direction is adopted from previous work. This is vary often part of Mollier Chart. Reference in Polish here

  • SHR - known as sensible heat ratio which is a ratio of sensible heat load to total heat load. Once selected click on chart to specify Start Point and then provide SHR value [0-1] default is 0.85. It will draw the process with grey dash line from x=0 till x= max on chart. Default value for SHR can be referenced here

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