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Theme-able CV Generator

Generates PDF and HTML for a CV written in XML

Table of Contents

  1. CV and Cover Letter Examples

  2. Required Packages

    On a Linux System

  3. Getting Started

    Write your CV

    Generate HTML and PDF from your Content

    Apply your own Style

    Built-in Formatting

    Adding Scripts

  4. Directory Structure

CV and Cover Letter Examples

Theme CV Cover Letter
Green alt text
alt text
Chimpy alt text
alt text
ZKB alt text
alt text
None alt text
alt text

Required Packages

On a Linux System

Only 3 standard packages are required:

sudo apt-get install libsaxonb-java libxml2-utils make`

Getting Started

Write your CV

First write your CV. Start from scratch or use my CV located at data/hongger/cv.xml as template.

The xml has to be well-formed and valid. I recommend to use an editor with XML Schema support. the free IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition ( does this job very well.

The cv.xml should look like this one:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cv xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../src/cv.xsd" international="false">
    <layout type="cv">
        <title>Bachelor of Science HES-SO in Informatik</title>
                <zip countryIsoCode="CH">8157</zip>
            <phone type="cellPhone">
                <number>386 82 56</number>
        <birthday day="22" month="7" year="1984"/>
    <career title="Career">
            <from year="2019" month="06" style="plain" />
            <to year="2020" month="04" style="plain"/>
            <description>Some short description of the activity</description>
            <certificate>Bachelor of Science HES-SO in Informatik (bilingue Franz./Deutsch)</certificate>

    <skills title="Skills">
        <skillgroup title="Programming Languages">
            <solidskill etc="false">
                <skill id="java" logo="skills/java_ee.png">!?Java?!</skill>
                <skill id="ruby">Ruby</skill>
            <goodskill etc="true">
                <skill id="cplusplus" logo="skills/CPlusPlus.png">C++</skill>

    <certificats title="Certificats">
            <date year="2011"/>
            <description>Certified Secure Web Developer (CSWD)</description>

    <experiences title="Experiences">
                <company name="Denteo AG" logo="logo_denteo.png" />
                <from year="2019" month="06" style="plain" />
                <to year="2020" month="04" style="plain"/>
                <function>Full-Stack Senior Entwickler in Festanstellung</function>
                <project title="Denteo - Dentalpraxis Cloud Software Startup" id="denteo">
                    <activity>A task done at this job</activity>
                    <activity>Another task done at this job</activity>
                    <skillrefs location="right" orientation="vertical">

    <projects title="Private Projects">
        <activity link="" id="ceevee">
            <from year="2015"/>
            <to style="text">Aktuell</to>
            <description>CV Generator: XML -> HTML und PDF\!?Das Resultat?! wird z.Zt. kritisch betrachtet.</description>
            <skillrefs location="right" orientation="horizontal">

    <trainings title="Trainings">
            <date year="2018" month="9"/>
            <description>CH Open Workshop-Tage 2018</description>

    <languages title="Sprachen">
        <skill id="de" level="native" logo="flags/flag-de.png">German</skill>
        <skill id="fr" level="fluent" logo="flags/flag-fr.png">French</skill>
        <skill id="en" level="good" logo="flags/flag-en.png">English</skill>

Here is an example of a cover_letter XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<coverletter xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../src/cover_letter.xsd">
    <layout type="cover_letter">
    <date day="05" month="5" year="2020"/>
    <subject>Bewerbung als !?Full Stack-Entwickler?!</subject>
        Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, his no simul deleniti ocurreret, qui in primis insolens. Sed in ipsum labore corpora. Te vix vero vocibus praesent, pri te essent maluisset. Mea iusto postulant ne. Eam at offendit deterruisset, eam adhuc nonumy corpora no. Sit eu quem delicatissimi, elit gubergren mea et. Quo te fastidii phaedrum rationibus, nec minimum argumentum intellegebat no.
    <salutation>Mit besten Grüssen,</salutation>
    <fullname>Simon Honegger</fullname>

Generate HTML and PDF from your Content

To generate, use on top level the command :


generates target/cv.html and target/cv.pdf using data/honegger/cv.xml

To generate a cover letter, use:

make PRODUCT=cover_letter

generates target/cover_letter.html and target/cover_letter.pdf using data/honegger/cover_letter.xml

To customize your input, use:

make DATA=yourname

generates target/cv.html and target/cv.pdf using data/yourname/cv.xml

Hot Swap

Executing make after every change to check the results can be annoying. If you use IntelliJ to modify your source, the 'File Watchers' Plugin helps out here.

Just configure it to execute make on each save using this configuration:

File type: Any
Scope: All Changed Files
Program: make
Program: html

Publish to GitHub Pages

The target folder is excluded for git. If you want to publish the artifact use:

make example DATA=yourname

This regenerates the artifact and puts them in the example folder under data_name/first_theme/product.

After pushing, you can access the artifact under[data_name]/[first_theme]/[product]/[product].html

Other Valid Make Targets

validate: only validates the source xml
html: only generates html
pdf: generates pdf (and html as pre-step)
example: regenerates artifacts and puts them in the example folder under data_name/first_theme/product

Apply your own Style

create a css file style/theme_name.css

    background-color: blue;

to apply the style, add a theme tag to your XML:

    <layout type="cover_letter">

Multiple themes are allowed and applied in the order as declared

    <layout type="cover_letter">
        <theme>theme2</theme> <!-- extends and overwrites parts of theme1 -->

Built-in Formatting


To highlight any passage in your CV, use the !? and ?! notation:

    Some !?highlighted?! text

this will transform to:

    Some <span class=acc>highlighted</span> text

therefore, to apply some custom style for highlighting, add some css attributes to the .acc class:

.acc {
    color: #00bec8;
    font-weight: 600;

you get:

Some highlighted text

Line break

To add a line break, use the backslash notation:

    A line brak after this\word

this will transform to:

    A line brak after this<br/>word

you get:

A line brak after this

Adding Scripts

create a js file js/alerter.js


to include the script, add a script tag to your XML:

    <layout type="cover_letter">

To include external script, use:

<layout type="cover_letter">

Also here, the declaration order matters.

Directory Structure

  1. data
  • the content of your CV or cover letter in XML
  • any assets used in your CV or cover letter
  1. js if you need some Javascript code to layout your CV or make it interactive, place it here.
  2. src
  • transformation logic
  • XML schemas defining valid input
  1. style
  • includable themes (css)
  • if you want to customize your CV, place the CSS files here
  1. target
  • After successful generation, you will find the results here
  1. examples
  • some example results


Generates Theme-able PDF and HTML for a CV Written in XML






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