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Verilog for Microphones in Matrix Creator

The MATRIX Creator is a fully-featured development board, including sensors, wireless communications, and an FPGA. The purpose of this hobby project is to investigate its FPGA code for receiving signals from 8 PDM microphones.

Matrix Creator ODAS example
<An example of applying beam-forming with ODAS, which is a library for direction of arrival, tracking in Matrix Creator>

Structure of FPGA code for PDM microphones

Matrix creator uses the Wishbone Bus to communicate between RPi and several sensors. The Wishbone Bus is an open source hardware computer bus intended to let the parts of an integrated circuit communicate with each other. Among the whole Matrix Creator's Verilog modules, there are two modules, which are relevant to receiving signals from 8 PDM microphones, i.e. wb_mic_array.v and bram.v. The main part for reading microphone signals is inside wb_mic_array.v. bram.v provides only the "decimation ratio" and "microphone gain" to wb_mic_array.v.

<A structure of FPGA code for PDM microphones>

Test bench of FPGA code for PDM microphones

In order to create a test bench for reading and post-processing data only from 8 PDM microphones, some parts of the above full FPGA strucutre were selected and modified. Its Hierarchy in Xilinx ISE Design Suite is shown below:

<A structure of Test Bench for PDM microphones>


"Mic_Array_TB.v" is the main module for this test bench. Here, several important frequencies are defined as follows:

  • System clock frequency: 150 Mhz
  • PDM frequency: 3 Mhz
  • Output frequency: 16 Khz
  • PDM ratio: 50 (i.e. System clock frequency / PDM frequency)
  • Decimation ratio: 187 (i.e. PDM frequency / Output frequency)

The frequency for reading signals from PDM microphone is set by PDM_FILE_READ_CLOCK.

// Read time period: 2 was multiplied, since the one clock consists of two values, i.e. "one" and "zero"
parameter [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] PDM_FILE_READ_CLOCK = $floor(PDM_RATIO+1)*2; 

  indx_PDM = indx_PDM + 1'd1;

The ascii file for saving the ouput of test bench is opened/written/closed in this main module. Please be aware that one can start receiving the test bench outputs only after the first number of time steps reaches the size FIR filter coeffcient.

integer fd;
fd = $fopen("location of output ascii file", "w");


"fir_data.v" is the module for reading the FIR filter coefficient from an external ascii file. In this test bench, 128 FIR filter coefficient should be used, so this external ascii file should have 128 row in a single column. The values should be written in 16 bit fixed-point in binary and two's complement for negative numbers.

// define an array for saving the read FIR filter coefficient
reg signed [FIR_TAP_WIDTH-1:0] fir_data [0:FIR_TAP-1]; // FIR_TAP_WIDTH = 16 and FIR_TAP = 128

initial begin
  $readmemb("location of ascii file including FIR filter coefficient", fir_data);


"pdm_data.v" is the module for reading PDM microphone signals from an external ascii file. This external ascii file should have 8 binary digit in a single row and the maximum number of row should be under 150,000 and this maximum limit can be changed easily in Mic_Array_TB.v.

# Define a 2D array for saving 150_000 x 8 data from an external ascii file
reg [CHANNELS-1:0] in_data [0:NLINEFILE-1];

# Output PDM data from the 2D array "in_data", whenever input "indx" changes
always @ (indx)
  pdm_data = in_data [indx];

  $readmemb("location of ascii file including the input PDM file", in_data);


"cic_sync.v" is the module for controlling the following outputs:

  • pdm_clk is one bit reg having a positive edge, when a new PDM signal is available
  • read_enable (i.e. pdm_read_enable in cic.v) is one bit reg being true, when a new PDM signal is ready to be read
  • integrator_enable is one bit reg being true, while 1~8 PDM signals are being read
  • comb_enable is one bit reg being true, in every decimation during one period of pdm_clk

<Waveform in cic_sync.v>

<1st zoomed-in Waveform in cic_sync.v>

state[2:0] above is defined as follows and it changes over time. The main purpose of having those state is to control integrator_enable and read_enable better:

localparam [2:0] S_IDLE = 3'd0;
localparam [2:0] S_READING_TIME	= 3'd1;
localparam [2:0] S_COMPUTE = 3'd2;
localparam [2:0] S_HOLD = 3'd3;

always @(state) begin
  S_IDLE :
  {integrator_enable,read_enable} = {1'b0,1'b0};

  {integrator_enable,read_enable}= {1'b0,1'b1};

  {integrator_enable,read_enable} = {1'b1,1'b0};

  S_HOLD :
  {integrator_enable,read_enable} = {1'b1,1'b0};

  default :
  {integrator_enable,read_enable} = {1'b0,1'b0};

<2nd zoomed-in Waveform in cic_sync.v>


"cic.v" is the module for performing CIC filter. Its main four functions can be summarized as follows:

  1. Update PDM signal based on the "pdm_read_enable"
  2. Convert the read binary ("0", "1") into ("-1", "1" in signed 23 bits, two's complement), respectively
  3. Perform 3 times of integrator in cascade, according to the activated "read_en" and "wr_en" in cic_op_fsm.v. The 3 cascade of integrators was calculated by using generate-for loop.
genvar i;
for (i=0; i<STAGES; i=i+1)
  begin: int_stage
    cic_int #(
      .WIDTH   	(WIDTH),        // 23
      .CHANNELS	(CHANNELS)      // 8
      ) int0 (
      .clk     	(clk),          // input
      .resetn  	(resetn),       // input
      .wr_en   	(wr_en),        // input
      .read_en 	(read_en),      // input
      .channel 	(channel),      // input [2:0]
      .data_in 	(data_int[i]),  // input signed [22:0]
      .data_out	(data_int[i+1])	// output reg signed [22:0]
  1. Perform 3 times of comb filter in cascade, according to the activated "read_en & comb_enable" and "write_memory, i.e. wr_en & comb_enable" in cic_op_fsm.v. The 3 cascade of comb-filters was calculated by using generate-for loop.
genvar j;
for (j=0; j<STAGES; j=j+1)
  begin: comb_stage
    cic_comb #(
    .WIDTH    (WIDTH),                  // 23
    .CHANNELS (CHANNELS)                // 8
    ) comb0 (
    .clk      (clk),                    // input
    .resetn   (resetn),                 // input
    .read_en  (read_en & comb_enable),  // input, because "comb filter should be executed for each "Decimation ratio"
    .wr_en    (write_memory),           // input
    .channel  (channel),                // input [2:0]
    .data_in  (data_comb[j]),           // input signed [22:0]
    .data_out (data_comb[j+1])          // output reg signed [22:0]


"cic_op_fsm.v" is the instantiated module under cic.v, for controling the reading PDM microphone signals in each channel. state[2:0] in this module is defined as in the following Verilog codes and its change over time can be displayed in the following Waveform:

localparam [2:0] S_IDLE  = 3'd0;
localparam [2:0] S_READ  = 3'd1;
localparam [2:0] S_STORE = 3'd2;

<Waveform in cic_op_fsm.v>


"cic_int.v" is the instantiated module under cic.v and it acts as an integrator. Its working principle is described in the diagram and in the attached Verilog code snippet. This module should be activated for each "read_en" and "wr_en" in cic_op_fsm.v.

Integrator Filter in CIC

assign sum = data_out + data_in;

always @(posedge clk or posedge resetn) begin
  if (resetn)
    data_out <= 0;
  else begin
      2'b10 : 
          data_out <= accumulator[channel];

      2'b01 : 
          accumulator[channel] <= sum;
          data_out <= data_out; 

      default :
        data_out <= data_out;


"cic_comb.v" is the instantiated module under cic.v and it acts as a comb filter. Its working principle is described in the diagram and in the attached Verilog code snippet. This module should be activated for each "read_en & comb_enable" and "wr_en & comb_enable" in cic_op_fsm.v.

Comb Filter in CIC

assign diff = data_in - prev;

always @(posedge clk or posedge resetn) begin
  if (resetn) begin
    data_out <= 0;
    prev     <= 0;
  else begin
    2'b10 :
        data_out <= data_out_prev[channel];
        prev     <= data_in_prev[channel];
    2'b01 :
        data_in_prev[channel]  <= data_in;
        data_out_prev[channel] <= diff;
    default :
      data_out <= data_out;


"mic_fir.v" is the module for performing FIR filter to the ouput of CIC filter. This test bench uses the total 128 FIR filter coefficients, which were imported from the routine fir_data.v.


"fir_pipe_fsm.v" is the instantiated module under mic_fir.v, for controling the counters in the FIR filter.

fir_pipe_fsm / Input
  • end_write_data, which becomes true, when receving the last channel data from comb-filter.
//  "end_write_data" becomes true, only with the last channel & true "data_load"
assign end_write_data = (&channel) & data_load;
fir_pipe_fsm / Outputs
  • tap_count (coeff_addr): 7 bit counter, which can count max. up to 128 [0, 127]. It is the output of mic_fir.v, which call the FIR coefficient array, whos index is equal to this counter.
  • channel_count: 3 bit counter for counting the number of channel. It is important to understand that it increases by one when tap_count finishes one loop (128).
  • load_data_memory: it gets "true", during tap_count increases.
  • reset_tap: it gets "true", during tap_count starts.
  • write_data: it gets "true", during channel_count increases

<Waveform in fir_pipe_fsm>

<A begin of Waveform in fir_pipe_fsm>

<A channel transition in Waveform in fir_pipe_fsm>

<An end of Waveform in fir_pipe_fsm>

state[2:0] above is defined as follows and it changes over time. The main purpose of having those state is to control count_en (=write_data), reset_tap,reset_channel,load_data_memory:

localparam [1:0] S_IDLE = 3'd0;
localparam [1:0] S_PIPE = 3'd1;
localparam [1:0] S_NEXT = 3'd2;
always @(state) begin
  S_IDLE : begin
    count_en         = 0;
    reset_tap        = 1;
    reset_channel    = 1;
    load_data_memory = 0;
  S_PIPE : begin
    count_en         = 0;
    reset_tap        = 0;
    reset_channel    = 0;
    load_data_memory = 1;
  S_NEXT : begin
    count_en         = 1;
    reset_tap        = 1;
    reset_channel    = 0;
    load_data_memory = 0;
  default : begin
    count_en         = 0;
    reset_tap        = 1;
    reset_channel    = 1;
    load_data_memory = 0;


Whenever write_memory is read from the output of CIC filter, wr_data_addr increases and it is defines as (7 bits for 128 FIR filter elements) + (3 bits for channels). However, this value is renamed as wr_addr_deinterlaced when storing in data buffer and its stucture is slightly changed as follows: (3 bits for channels) + (7 bits for 128 FIR filter elements).

Pipe line stage 1

In the stage 1, FIR filter coefficients and microphone data from the data buffer are multiplied with each other. Here, it is very important to understand how read_pointer works, since it is the key pointer, which enables the following multiplication between FIR filter coefficient and microphone data from the data buffer:

[0, 1, 2, ..., 126, 127]: FIR filter coefficients 

[0, 1, 2, ..., 126, 127]: microphone data at t=t0  
[1, 2, 3, ..., 127,   0]: microphone data at t=t1  
[2, 3, 4, ...,   0,   1]: microphone data at t=t2  
assign data_reg_a = coeff_data;
assign read_pointer = coeff_addr + wr_data_addr[FIR_MEM_DATA_ADDR-1:CHANNELS_WIDTH] - 1; 
assign data_memory_addr = {pipe_channel, read_pointer};

//Data Memory
mic_array_buffer #(
  ) mic_fir_data0 (
  // write port a
  .clk_a      (clk),
  .we_a       (data_load),
  .adr_a      (wr_addr_deinterlaced),
  .dat_a      (data_in),

  // read port b
  .clk_b      (clk),
  .adr_b      (data_memory_addr),
  .en_b       (load_data_memory), // output reg, "true" during "tap_count" increases
  .dat_b      (data_reg_b)

// "factor_wire" is [16+16-1:0], because it should have max. 16 bit x 16 bit
assign factor_wire = data_reg_a * data_reg_b;

Its working principle should be clear by understanding the following waveforms. mic_fir_1
<Waveform in mic_fir: a start of the 1st time block for the microphone #1>

<Waveform in mic_fir: an end of the 1st time block for the microphone #1>

<Waveform in mic_fir: a start of the 2nd time block for the microphone #1>

<Waveform in mic_fir: an end of the 2nd time block for the microphone #1>

Pipe line stage 2

The pipe line stage 2 is just removing the digit at "MSB - 1", in order to improve the accuracy of FIR filter calculation.

write_data_p2	<= write_data_p1;
data_reg_c	<= { factor_wire[(FIR_TAP_WIDTH+DATA_WIDTH)-1], // [(16+16)-1]
factor_wire[(FIR_TAP_WIDTH+DATA_WIDTH)-3:FIR_TAP_WIDTH-1] }; // [(16+16)-3 : 16-1]
// 16 bit x 16 bit gives always "zero" at "MSB - 1" bit, so this bit is removed to improve the accuracy
reset_tap_p2  <= reset_tap_p1;
Pipe line stage 3

For each microphone channel, the pipe line stage 3 summs the product of FIR filter coefficients and microphone data in the stage 1, as in the definition of convolution.

always @(posedge clk or posedge  resetn) begin
  if(resetn | reset_tap_p2) begin
    data_reg_d <= 0;
  end else begin
    // This is the summation of FIR filter, i.e. convolution
    data_reg_d <= (data_reg_d + data_reg_c);

<Waveform in mic_fir: one whole block for FIR filtering>


"mic_array_buffer.v" is the instantiated module under mic_fir.v. This buffer is for saving and reading the input microphone signal from comb-filter to FIR filter. It is important to understand a sturucture of this module, since "mic_array_buffer.v" is ofent used as data buffer at several locations of matrix creator's FPGA codes.

Validation example


Apporx. 50 ms time length - PDM signal having 40, 400, 4000 Hz sine wave


Test bench results with 16kHz FIR filter coefficient of Matrix Creator
*40 Hz component cannot be seen, due to the applied FIR filter characteristics

<Comparing input and output signals of Verilog Test Bench>


Explanation of FPGA code for 8 PDM microphones in Matrix Creator







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