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Setup: Partitions

Holger Hees edited this page Feb 1, 2024 · 9 revisions

Recommendation for hard disk partitioning

Based on the recommended hardware setup, the system has 3 physical hard drives.

The first one is a ssd, which is used for the boot, system, data and swap partition.

The second and the third one are normal hard drives, combined as a raid 1 and used for user data.

The whole setup looks like

disk path type size info
SSD /boot/efi vfat 500MB EFI boot partition
SSD / ext4 30GB system partition
SSD /smartserver ext4 200GB data partition (for e.g. ftp, htdocs, openhab, custom tmp, custom var and custom etc)
SSD swap swap 8GB swap
RAID1 /smartserver/data ext4 3TB user data (e.g. nextcloud, backups incl. rsync of /smartserver)