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Curses Framework - Objective-C

Setting up project

Starting from scratch

If you already have a project which you want to integrate with Curses Framework then you should continue to "Using the correct build settings". If you are starting a new project from scratch with Curses Framework then continue here.

The first thing you need to do is create a new OSX - Application - Command Line Tool. Make sure the language is set to Objective-C.

Using the correct build settings

Link Curses Framework.

  1. Right click on any item or folder in the project navigator and select 'Add Files to ""'.
  2. Navigate and select NCursesFramework.xcodeproj.
  3. Go to Build Phases -> Target Dependencies. And add NCursesFramework that you recently added.
  4. Link Binary With Libraries, add libNCursesFramework.dylib.

Build settings

Add the following Other Linker Flags:

-lncurses -lc++

Add to Header Search Paths:


You're now ready to build.

Using the framework

To start using the framework just add:

#import "NCursesFramework.h"

It is possible to define all the layouts in xml. You can inflate a xml layout using the NCLayoutInflator:

NCGraphic *root = [NCLayoutInflator inflateGraphicFromXML:<NSData>];

Here is an example of a xml layout:

<NCLinearLayout orientation="horizontal">
	<NCText text="Hello" foreground="red"/>
	<NCText text=" world!"/>

Although this is a simple example of a layout you can create. You could actually create very complex layouts with multiple children with different containers. You could even split your layouts into several xml files, this is useful when you want to reuse a layout mulitple times in the program.

To render the root graphic:

NCRendition *rendition = [root drawInBounds:[[NCCursesPlatform factory] screenSize] withPlatform:[NCCursesPlatform factory]];
[rendition drawToScreen];

Although you might not be able to have any time to see it in action because the program might close itself instantly. To resolve this issue we can wait for user to input a key between each rendering:

while(true) {
	// render here...

	NCKey *key = [[NCCursesPlatform factory] getKey];
	if([key isEqualTo:[NCKey NCKEY_q]]) {

And here is all of it together:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "NCursesFramework.h"

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
		NCGraphic *root = [NCLayoutInflator inflateGraphicFromXML:<NSData>];

		while(true) {
			NCRendition *rendition = [root drawInBounds:[[NCCursesPlatform factory] screenSize] withPlatform:[NCCursesPlatform factory]];
			[rendition drawToScreen];

			NCKey *key = [[NCCursesPlatform factory] getKey];
			if([key isEqualTo:[NCKey NCKEY_q]]) {
    return 0;

Debugging tips

You might have noticed that when you try run your program through XCode nothing happens. This is because of ncurses need to run in a seperate terminal window. To fix this we need to add a new run script.

  1. Go to Build Phases.
  2. Press the "+" -> New Run Script Phase.
  3. Add the following code into the script:

Now everytime you press the run button in XCode the program should run in a new window. Although if your program crashes, you will not be able to tell on which line. This is becasue your debugger is not attached to the process correctly. To fix this do the following.

  1. Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme...
  2. Then on the left menu select "Run".
  3. In the middle of the screen you will find several options. Make sure "Wait for executable to be launched" is selected.
  4. Press the close button.

The debugger should not wait for the executable to start and then attach automaticly to it.

Have fun!


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