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ef1500 edited this page Jul 6, 2023 · 2 revisions


Hello! Welcome to the Wiki!

Here, we'll be taking a look at how Twitter Spaces work and going over their inner mechanics. The primary aim of this wiki page is to equip everyone with some essential knowledge required to contribute to overcoming a recent API challenge that has currently rendered our tool inoperable. The changes in Twitter's API have turned out to be a major roadblock and thorn in our side, but with a collective effort, we can overcome anything!

What can you expect here?

This wiki page will contain brief explanations of how Twitter Spaces worked before the API changes took place. I have tried to explain them to the utmost best of my ability.

How can you contribute?

I welcome everyone (yes, you!), regardless of their skill level, to join me on this learning journey and contribute their findings to further the knowledge of others. If you have any questions, ideas, or solutions, by all means, share it. If you spot anything you believe to be in error, please, point it out. This is a collective endeavor and every contribution counts.

The first step

I've started off by writing the "Twitter Space Mechanics" wiki page that gives a brief overview of how everything works and how Twitter Spaces interact with listeners, as well as what happens under the hood.

The power of collaboration and curiosity we can crack the code!

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