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Modernize chimera script generation (#18)
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Old hacky behavior is deprecated in favor of something saner.
Also leverages the new latest-version alphafold file machinery.
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timholy committed May 25, 2024
1 parent 49e7358 commit aa6125f
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Showing 5 changed files with 64 additions and 21 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/GPCRAnalysis.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,5 +54,6 @@ include("properties.jl")

62 changes: 43 additions & 19 deletions src/chimerax.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
function chimerax_script(scriptfilename, struct_filenames, ridxs::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Integer}};
chain_transparency=80, styles=Dict{Tuple{Int,Int},String}(), extras=String[])
align::Bool=true, chain_transparency=80, styles=Dict{Tuple{Int,Int},String}(), extras=String[])
open(scriptfilename, "w") do io
for (i, afname) in enumerate(struct_filenames)
println(io, "open ", afname)
Expand All @@ -13,29 +13,45 @@ function chimerax_script(scriptfilename, struct_filenames, ridxs::AbstractVector
println(io, "transparency #1-", length(struct_filenames), ' ', chain_transparency, " target c")
if (length(struct_filenames) > 1 &&
!any(str -> startswith(str, "align"), struct_filenames) &&
!any(str -> startswith(str, "align"), extras))
println(io, "matchmaker #2-", length(struct_filenames), " to #1")
if (length(struct_filenames) > 1 && align)
if (any(str -> startswith(str, "align"), struct_filenames) ||
any(str -> startswith(str, "align"), extras))
@warn "skipping alignment based on file names is deprecated, use `align=false` instead" maxlog=1
println(io, "matchmaker #2-", length(struct_filenames), " to #1")
for ex in extras
println(io, ex)
if isa(extras, AbstractString)
println(io, extras)
for ex in extras
println(io, ex)

chimerax_script(scriptfilename, uprot_list, msa::AnnotatedMultipleSequenceAlignment, colidxs;
dir=pwd(), chain_transparency=80, styles=Dict{Int,String}(), extras=String[])
dir=pwd(), align=true, chain_transparency=80, styles=Dict{Int,String}(), extras=String[])
Create a [chimerax]() visualization script with name `scriptfilename`. `uprot_list` is a list of UniProtX names that you
want to visualize. The AlphaFold PDB files for these proteins should be `dir`. `msa` is a Multiple Sequence alignment
and `colidxs` specifies the column indices in `msa` corresponding to amino acid side chains that you'd like to visualize.
Create a [chimerax]( visualization script
with name `scriptfilename`. `uprot_list` is a list of UniProtX names that you
want to visualize. `msa` is a Multiple Sequence alignment and `colidxs`
specifies the column indices in `msa` corresponding to amino acid side chains
that you'd like to visualize.
`chain_transparency` sets the transparency on the ribbon diagrams (0 = not transparent).
`styles` can be used to affect the display, e.g., `Dict(k => "@SD sphere")` would cause methionines at column index `k`
to be displayed with the sulfur in sphere mode. `extras` can be used to hand-specify a number of additional commands;
this can be useful if, for example, the `msa` has occasional misalignments.
Keyword arguments:
- `dir` is the directory with the protein structure files
- `align` determines whether to align the structures to the first one (uses the
`matchmaker` tool)
- `chain_transparency` sets the transparency on the ribbon diagrams (0 = not
- `styles` can be used to affect the display, e.g., `Dict(k => "@SD sphere")`
would cause methionines at column index `k` to be displayed with the sulfur in
sphere mode.
- `extras` can be used to hand-specify a number of additional commands; this can
be useful if, for example, the `msa` has occasional misalignments.
# Examples
Expand All @@ -52,9 +68,11 @@ function chimerax_script(scriptfilename, uprot_list, msa::AnnotatedMultipleSeque
ridxs = [Int[] for _ in 1:length(uprot_list)]
struct_filenames = Vector{String}(undef, length(uprot_list))
rcstyles = Dict{Tuple{Int,Int},String}()
afs = alphafoldfile(msa, dir; join=true)
uprot2msaidx = Dict{AccessionCode,Int}(AccessionCode(msa, name) => i for (i, name) in enumerate(sequencenames(msa)))
for (i, p) in enumerate(uprot_list)
struct_filenames[i] = joinpath(dir, alphafoldfilename(p))
seqidx = findfirst(str -> startswith(str, p), sequencenames(msa))
j = uprot2msaidx[AccessionCode(p)]
struct_filenames[i] = afs[MSACode(sequencenames(msa, j))]
sm = getsequencemapping(msa, seqidx)
for (j, c) in enumerate(colidxs)
ridx = sm[c]
Expand All @@ -72,6 +90,12 @@ function chimerax_script(scriptfilename, uprot_list, msa::AnnotatedMultipleSeque
return chimerax_script(scriptfilename, struct_filenames, ridxs; styles=rcstyles, kwargs...)

function markers(modelnum::Integer, positions, radius::Real, color)
return ["marker #$modelnum position $(pos[1]),$(pos[2]),$(pos[3]) radius $radius color $color" for pos in positions]
str = marker(modelnum, pos, radius, color)
Return a string that represents a marker in ChimeraX. `modelnum` is the model number, `pos` is a 3D position,
`radius` is the radius of the marker, and `color` is the color of the marker.
@noinline function marker(modelnum::Integer, pos::AbstractVector{<:Real}, radius::Real, color)
return "marker #$modelnum position $(pos[1]),$(pos[2]),$(pos[3]) radius $radius color $color"
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/deprecated.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
function markers(modelnum::Integer, positions::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Real}}, radius::Real, color)
Base.depwarn("`markers` is deprecated, use `marker.(modelnum, positions, radius, color)` instead", :markers)
return [marker(modelnum, pos, radius, color) for pos in positions]
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions test/deprecated.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
@testset "Deprecated" begin
@info "Testing deprecated functions (warnings are expected)"
@test only(GPCRAnalysis.markers(2, [Coordinates(5, 4, 3)], 0.5, "blue")) == "marker #2 position 5.0,4.0,3.0 radius 0.5 color blue"
dot = GPCRAnalysis.marker(2, Coordinates(5, 4, 3), 0.5, "blue")
tmpfile = tempname() * ".cxc"
chimerax_script(tmpfile, ["align_ABCD.pdb", "align_EFGH.pdb"], [[5, 10, 15], [7, 11]]; extras=[dot])
script = read(tmpfile, String)
@test !occursin("matchmaker #2-2 to #1", script)
@test occursin("marker #2 position 5.0,4.0,3.0 radius 0.5 color blue", script)
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,11 +86,12 @@ using Test
@test occursin("show #2 :11", script)
@test occursin("transparency #1-2 80 target c", script)
@test occursin("matchmaker #2-2 to #1", script)
dots = GPCRAnalysis.markers(2, [Coordinates(5, 4, 3)], 0.5, "blue")
chimerax_script(tmpfile, ["align_ABCD.pdb", "align_EFGH.pdb"], [[5, 10, 15], [7, 11]]; extras=dots)
dot = GPCRAnalysis.marker(2, Coordinates(5, 4, 3), 0.5, "blue")
chimerax_script(tmpfile, ["ABCD.pdb", "EFGH.pdb"], [[5, 10, 15], [7, 11]]; align=false, extras=[dot])
script = read(tmpfile, String)
@test !occursin("matchmaker #2-2 to #1", script)
@test occursin("marker #2 position 5.0,4.0,3.0 radius 0.5 color blue", script)
@testset "Needleman-Wunsch" begin
function testscore(S, P, D, gapcosts)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -348,3 +349,5 @@ using Test


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