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This repository contains my configs and relative themes for BE::Shell. Check the gallery to see a preview of the presets available.


Important notes

  • Due to the absolute positioning in BE::Shell themes may need adjustments within the css or the config file
  • Some configurations use external scripts as info providers [e.g. skutter], which need to be installed and configured separately in most of the cases
  • In the instructions below scripts and menus are installed under ~/.local, instead of using the default configuration directory for This decision has been made to prevent issues with different kde4 configuration paths
  • In all of my themes i used the DSP Qt style and KWin decoration. Usually a dsp preset is included within the subdir "extra" of the specific theme


  • GlobalMenu:
  • Since many asked, in case the applications menubar is not exported in the globalmenu follow the instructions here
  • In case not even the default entries are shown but the applications do not have the menubar visible(after starting BE::Shell), it is most probably due to some value within the theme css (font, padding or margin) than can be easily fixed. Rightclick on the desktop → Themes → Edit Current. Check the values for GMenu.
  • Buttons/TaskBar:
  • Blank icons in taskbar: This is due to the fact that sticky buttons are set for applications you most likely do not have installed. Simply edit the config (rightclick on the desktop → Config → Edit current) and remove their entry in the Buttons list under Type=TaskBar. Then save and reload the config.


Before to proceed, install BE::Shell if you haven't done it yet (instructions on its wiki. As for KDE Plasma5, i also suggest to read this page), then clone this repository:

git clone --recursive

And enter into the source folder:


You can either install presets using the provided script or copying the files manually.

By script

NOTE: The script shipped with this repository assumes you're on a KDE4 or Plasma5 session and makes use of some KDE tools already preinstalled on most distributions (kreadconfig & kwriteconfig are mandatory). Optionally, in case kde4 python bindings are installed, it will copy & apply on the fly a kde4 colorscheme, if the preset provides one.

To start the script in interactive mode, simply type:

./be.installer -p

Or, alternatively, you can skip the list of available presets and specify directly the one you want, passing its name after the -p argument - e.g. for :

./be.installer -p Vertex

NOTE: By default the script will ask if you want to backup your current config and theme, this functionality can also be invoked with:

./be.installer -b

To get a list of all the commands:

./be.installer -h


If this is the first time you install BE::Shell, you need to create its configuration and themes folders:

mkdir -p `kde4-config --localprefix`/share/apps/

Copy the Theme directory:

cp -r Themes `kde4-config --localprefix`/share/apps/

Copy one of the included config file (in this example Vertex.conf) as

cp Config/Vertex.conf `kde4-config --localprefix`/share/config/

Install the provided scripts:

mkdir -p ~/.local/share/
cp -r Scripts ~/.local/share/ && chmod -R 777 ~/.local/share/*

Install the menus:

 cp -r Menu ~/.local/share/

Copy the MainMenu.xml under your config dir:

cp MainMenu.xml `kde4-config --localprefix/share/apps/

Finally, (re)load If you're using Plasma on KDE SC4, kill its process and start BE::Shell:

kquitapp plasma-desktop; sleep 2;

While if you're on Plasma5, the command is:

kquitapp plasmashell; sleep2;

If you're already on BE::Shell, restart it in order to apply the new theme & config: --restart


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