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Tim Phillips edited this page Jun 3, 2018 · 4 revisions

Messages also allows the user to create and send any message with a simple API interface.


send(msg_type, send_async=False, *args, **kwargs)

  • msg_type: (str) the message type to send, i.e. "email", "twilio", etc.
  • send_async: (bool) initially set to False, set to True to send message asynchronously.
  • **kwargs: (dict) parameters specific to each message type.


Given a message type and a dictionary of kwargs, a message can be easily sent, like so:

# program or script *.py file

from messages import send

kwargs = {
    'to': '', 
    'subject': 'Email Test!', 
    'body': 'This is an email message!', 
    'profile': 'myProfileName',

send('email', **kwargs)

Future Work

Thought is being put into making this module more robust and capable of using multiple message types with a single call to the API. For example, ideally one would be able to send multiple messages, like so:

# program or script file *.py

from messages import send

kwargs = {
    'to': ['', '+19998675309'],
    'body': 'buy more bitcoin!',
    'profile': 'myProfileName'

send(['email', 'twilio'], send_async=True, **kwargs)