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WebDriver Extension API for Remote Playback

The [Remote Playback API] poses a challenge to test authors, as fully exercising those interfaces requires remote playback devices that respond in predictable ways. To address this challenge this document defines a number of extension commands to the [WebDriver] specification for controlling fake remote playback devices on the host that the user agent is running on. With these extension commands, devices with particular properties can be created and their responses to requests are well defined.

Fake remote Playback device

A fake remote playback device simulates the behavior of a remote playback device in controlled ways. Each fake remote playback device has a unique identifier name.

Note: A fake remote playback device is initially available, no fake remote playback device is added means the list of available remote playback devices is empty.

A fake remote playback device have associated fake remote playback state, which should be in sync with the media element state when fake remote playback device is connected.

Note: The fake remote playback device defined in this specification is not intended be used by non-testing-related web content. The user agent MAY choose to expose fake remote playback device interface only when a runtime or compile-time flag has been set.

When a user agent chooses to expose fake remote playback device interface, it MUST reconfigure its internal implementation of the RemotePlayback object in the current global object so that it MUST detect availability of, connect to and control playback on fake remote playback devices in following ways:

  • Once a fake remote playback device is added, it SHOULD be added to the list of available remote playback devices.
  • The list of available remote playback devices SHOULD only contains fake remote playback devices.
  • When invoke watchAvailability() method, the UA MUST monitor the list of available remote playback devices.
  • When invoke prompt() method, no UI will be prompted, the UA MUST connect to the selected fake remote playback device.
  • If a fake remote playback device is added with selected state set to true, that it will become the selected fake remote playback device for the next request to establish a connection with the remote playback device.
  • If multiple fake remote playback devices are added with selected state set to true, then the implementation acts as if no fake remote playback device has been selected (i.e., the prompt() Promise will remain unresolved).
  • If no fake remote playback device has selected state set to true, the UA will behave as if the user has denied permission to use any fake remote playback device.
  • When the state of a RemotePlayback object is connected, the UA SHOULD satisfy conditions relate the local playback state, the media element state, and the fake remote playback state described in Media commands and media playback state.

FakeRemotePlayback dictionary

The FakeRemotePlayback dictionary provides information about a fake remote playback device.

dictionary FakeRemotePlayback {
  DOMString name;
  boolean selected;
  FakeRemotePlaybackState state;
  • name: a string representing a fake remote playback device's name.
  • selected: a boolean that indicates a fake remote playback device's selected state. When set to true, this fake remote playback device is a selected fake remote playback device.
  • state: A FakeRemotePlaybackState representing a fake remote playback device's fake remote playback state.

A serialized fake remote playback device is a JSON Object where a fake remote playback's fields listed in the FakeRemotePlayback dictionary are mapped using the JSON Key and the associated field's value from the fake remote playback devices in the current browsing context.

FakeRemotePlaybackInit dictionary

The FakeRemotePlaybackInit dictionary is used to initialize a fake remote playback device.

dictionary FakeRemotePlaybackInit {
  required DOMString name;
  boolean selected = true;
  FakeRemotePlaybackState state;
  • name: a string that is used to set a fake remote playback device's name.
  • selected: a boolean that is used to set a fake remote playback device's selected state.
  • state: a FakeRemotePlaybackState that is used to set a fake remote playback device's fake remote playback state.

FakeRemotePlaybackState enumeration

A FakeRemotePlaybackState enumeration represents the fake remote playback state.

enum FakeRemotePlaybackState {

Extension Commands

Add fake remote playback device

HTTP Method URI Template
POST /session/{session id}/fakeremoteplayback/

The add fake remote playback device extension command adds a new fake remote playback device.

The remote end steps are:

  1. Let init be the init parameter, converted to an IDL value of type FakeRemotePlaybackInit. If this throws an exception, return a WebDriver error with WebDriver error code invalid argument.
  2. Let name be the If the current browsing context already has this name of fake remote playback device, return a WebDriver error with WebDriver error code fake remote playback device already exists.
  3. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return a WebDriver error with WebDriver error code no such window.
  4. Handle any user prompts, and return its value if it is a WebDriver error.
  5. Run these sub-steps in parallel to add a fake remote playback device in the current browsing context:
    1. Let fakeDevice be a new fake remote playback device.
    2. Set fakeDevice's fake remote playback device name to name.
    3. If init.selected is true, set this fakeDevice selected state to true.
    4. If init.state is present, set fakeDevice's fake remote playback state to init.state.
    5. Otherwise, set fakeDevice's fake remote playback state to null.
  6. Return success with data null.


To add a selected fake remote playback device named "ChromeCast" in the current browsing context of the session with ID 12, the local end would POST to /session/12/fakeremoteplayback with the body:

 "name": "ChromeCast",
 "selected": true,
 "state": "playing"

Get fake remote playback device

HTTP Method URI Template
GET /session/{session id}/fakeremoteplayback/{name}

The get fake remote playback device extension command retrieves information about a given name of fake remote playback device.

The remote end steps are:

  1. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return a WebDriver error with WebDriver error code no such window.
  2. Handle any user prompts, and return its value if it is a WebDriver error.
  3. If the url variable name is not equal to a fake remote playback device's name amongst all associated fake remote playback devices of the current browsing context, return a WebDriver error with WebDriver error code no such fake remote playback device.
  4. Return success with the serialized fake remote playback device as data.

Update fake remote playback device

// e.g. To change the selected attribute to test disconnection, change fake remote playback state to test reflection on local playback state.

HTTP Method URI Template
POST /session/{session id}/fakeremoteplayback/

The update fake remote playback device extension command updates properties about a given name of fake remote playback device.

The remote end steps are:

  1. Let init be the init parameter, converted to an IDL value of type FakeRemotePlaybackInit. If this throws an exception, return a WebDriver error with WebDriver error code invalid argument.
  2. If the is not equal to a fake remote playback device's name amongst all associated fake remote playback devices of the current browsing context, return a WebDriver error with WebDriver error code no such fake remote playback device.
  3. Otherwise, let fakeDevice be the fake remote playback device with name
  4. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return a WebDriver error with WebDriver error code no such window.
  5. Handle any user prompts, and return its value if it is a WebDriver error.
  6. Set fakeDevice's selected state to init.selected.
  7. If init.state is present, set fakeDevice's fake remote playback state to init.state.
  8. Return success with data null.

Remove fake remote playback device

HTTP Method URI Template
DELETE /session/{session id}/fakeremoteplayback/{name}

The remove fake remote playback device extension command removes a given name of fake remote playback device.

The remote end steps are:

  1. Let name be a url variable.
  2. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return a WebDriver error with WebDriver error code no such window.
  3. Handle any user prompts, and return its value if it is a WebDriver error.
  4. If name is not equal to a fake remote playback device's name amongst all associated fake remote playback devices of the current browsing context, return a WebDriver error with WebDriver error code no such fake remote playback device.
  5. Delete name of fake remote playback device in the current browsing context.
  6. Return success with data null.

Remove all fake remote playback devices

HTTP Method URI Template
DELETE /session/{session id}/fakeremoteplayback/

The remove all fake remote playback devices extension command removes all existing fake remote playback devices.

The remote end steps are:

  1. If the current browsing context is no longer open, return a WebDriver error with WebDriver error code no such window.
  2. Handle any user prompts, and return its value if it is a WebDriver error.
  3. Delete all fake remote playback devices in the current browsing context.
  4. Return success with data null.

Handling Errors

This section extends the Errors and defines extended WebDriver error codes specific for fake remote playback device in following table.

Error Code HTTP Status JSON Error Code Description
no such fake remote playback device 404 no such fake remote playback device no fake remote playback device matching the given name was found.
fake remote playback already exists 500 fake remote playback device already exists A command to add a fake remote playback device could not be satisfied because the given name of fake remote playback device is already existed.


  1. Media element has a couple of playback state, which should be tested in remote playback?
   // playback state 
	attribute double currentTime;
	readonly attribute unrestricted double duration;
	readonly attribute boolean paused; 
	attribute double defaultPlaybackRate;
	attribute double playbackRate;
	readonly attribute TimeRanges played;
	readonly attribute TimeRanges seekable;
	readonly attribute boolean ended;
	[CEReactions] attribute boolean autoplay;
	[CEReactions] attribute boolean loop;