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Friendly Calculator

This is a simple calculator made with JavaScript. It focuses on a great user experience. It is a Progressive Web App that offers full offline support and multiple themes for personalization. You can view a deployed version here: Friendly Calculator on

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


You need to have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. You can download Node.js here and npm is included in the installation.

Built With

Release Process

The pipeline.js script streamlines the release process. Before executing, ensure sftp-config.js is properly set up. It will automatically compress any images from uncompressedDir to the compressedDir.


Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone
  1. Run npm install to install the deployment pipeline dependencies.
  2. Execute the script with node pipeline.js. This begins the release process.
  3. Use the -c option to update the cache file list and the -m option to minify .js and .css files before uploading them.
  4. Use -p to upload the web app via SFTP to production.
  5. To specify a new version, use -v or -version followed by the number or without a number for an incremental version change.

Example: node pipeline.js -c -p -v

Command Line Options (most can be combined):

  • -help, -h or no flag: Display help message and exit. (STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to get more detailed and up to date information)
  • -production or -p: Release to the production environment.
  • -staging or -s: Release to the staging environment.
  • -version or -v: Update the version of the service-worker.js.
  • -cache or -c: (Re-)Generate the filesToCache.js file.
  • -minify or -m: Minifies the files in filesToCache.js (before uploading them to the server; if not set, the original files will be uploaded).
  • -delete or -d: Delete the application directory (production or staging) from the server.
  • -backup or -b: Creates a backup before deploying the new version that can be rolled back to.
  • -rollback or -r: Rollback to the backup version of either staging (-s) or production (-p), when available on the server.
  • -info or -i: Display detailed information about the process.

The script automates various tasks, including version number updates, cache list generation, and file uploads to the server. Ensure you have the necessary permissions for file operations and SFTP server access.

Key Features of pipeline.js:

  • Incremental versioning control.
  • Directory and file cache management.
  • SFTP upload functionality.
  • Support for multiple deployment paths (production/staging).
  • Clean and user-friendly console interface with progress indicators and colored output.
  • Command line flexibility for different deployment scenarios.

For more detailed usage and troubleshooting, refer to the inline comments and documentation within pipeline.js. Ensure to keep the script updated with any changes in project structure or deployment requirements.