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Concurrency and networking

HouzuoGuo edited this page Apr 14, 2013 · 2 revisions

Concurrency and networking


An Aurinko2 server serves one database instance. Data exchange between client and server is by transmitting XML documents.

Aurinko2 server creates a new worker thread for each incoming connection, worker thread is destroyed only when client connection is closed.

Aurinko2 communication protocol is straight-forward:

  • Client request ends with <go/> on its own line
  • Server response ends with <ok/> on its own line


Aurinko2 is optimised to be scalable on symmetric-multiprocessing architectures.

The only synchronised operations in Aurinko2 are file IOs; each file has a fair IO queue (LinkedBlockingQueue) and a worker thread.

No other explicit synchronisation/locks exist. Aurinko2 implementation is mainly lock-free.

Usage as an embedded database engine

You may get even better performance (sometimes 2x or 3x) with Aurinko2 used as an embedded database engine.

I apologise that there is no detailed documentation on this usage scenario, however some examples can be found at here.