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NTHU 2021 Parallel Programming HW1 Odd Even Sort implemented with MPI to Speed up The Performance of MergeSort and Quicksort

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2021 Parallel Programming HW1 Odd-Even-Sort

1. Implementation

In this homework, the target goal is implement odd even sort algorithm through MPI interface. The whole process can be seperate as 6 parts:

  • allocate memory
  • read input_data
  • MPI process communication
  • local sorting
  • reduce
  • write output_data

Load Balancing

In the load balancing part, since there always have number of data(n) greater than number of proc, thus most of the data need handle:

n / size

But some processes need handle:

n / size + 1 if rank < n % size

Data Preprocessing

I will prepare three memory space (data, temp, buf) for each rank. data is used t store the current load input_data or sorted_data from which received from another rank, data will be output as output value from each rank after all processes had done assigned task. temp is used for the temp memory space in merge-sort phase. buf is the receive buffer when using MPI_Recv to receive sorted data from other rank.

Odd-Even Sort Phase

Let's explain how the odd-even phase work. In the even stage, there is only the rank which rank%2==0orn&1 is true will recv the data from the odd rank (even rank-1) through MPI_Send and MPI_Recv. When they recv data from another rank, they save them in buf memory first, and try to merge the local data and recv buf in temp, and send the rest data back after sorting. Odd stage also do the samething, for more details please check my report documents.


The even and odd stage are executed in while loops, it will be break when the MPI_Reduce result of MPI_LOR is false. Because when if there is no any swap happened, has_swap will be false, which is determined in the merge-sort part.

2. Optimization

  1. Use & instead of %

Use bit operator instead of arithmetic operator is better for compiler.

  1. Avoid to use ternary operator (e.g. a ? b : c)

Ternary operator also is a heavy cost operation, try to avoid use it.

  1. Reassign pointer target instead of copy the array value when doing Array memory swap

This is important, relocate array pointer instead of copying array elements one by one, save a lot of time.

  1. ++i > i++ > i+=1 > i=i+1

A code writing hint.

  1. Pick a suitable sorting algorithm

In this repo case, for local sort before start odd-even-sort, speadsort > qsort(C Library) > self-defined quicksort. It seems like qsort is optimized in the library, hence becareful when you choose sorting algorithm.

  1. Dynamic allocating, load balancing

Using dynamic way to allocate task job to each MPI rank.

  1. Avoid function memory allocation
  2. Avoid logical, duplicate redudant computing, use constant value

3. Experiments

System Spec

  • 4 Nodes, 12 CPUS ( if 1 cpu for 1 thread, then maximum is 48 threads in a same time )
  • OS: Arch Linux
  • Compilers: GCC 10.2.0, Clang 11.0.1
  • MPI: Intel MPI Library, Version 2019 Update 8
  • Scheduler: Slurm 20.02.5
  • Network: Infiniband

Strong Scalability (Speedup Factor)

Single Node Multiple Node

Time Profile!

Single Node Multiple Node


The experiments result mentioned above, is executed on testcase34, which contain 546869888 data. The reason why I pick this testcase is because it have many data, so when we testing on it, it's executing time will make our experiments result image more clearly and easy to distinguish different through settings.

From my experiments result, obviously it shows that whether single node or multiple node, it's speedup performance is increasing slowly. But sometimes the performance will drop explicitly, especially the single node proc12 and multiple node on node4. I think the reason cause it is because the last node only can communicate with its left node, so its proc performance won't increase efficiently and let the sort step cost a lot of time.

4. Conclusion

From this homework, I had learn how to use MPI to let different processes to communication with each other. And the bottleneck in this repo I think is the Communication time, and the MPI_Wtime() functions, in the future work we can try to put more effort on these parts to make the program more efficiency.

5. References


NTHU 2021 Parallel Programming HW1 Odd Even Sort implemented with MPI to Speed up The Performance of MergeSort and Quicksort







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