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This application provides seamless object mapping between a local application and a database, along with a straightforward synchronization process between them.

icon database abstractLayer id required version implemented
cache LocalStorageLayer -.-.- no
mysql - -.-.- no
h2 H2Layer 2.2.224 stable
postgresql - -.-.- no
mariadb MariaDbLayer 3.3.3 stable
cassandra - -.-.- no
mongodb - -.-.- in progress
couchdb - -.-.- no
json - -.-.- no
yml - -.-.- no
aeon - -.-.- no
redis - -.-.- in progress
arangodb - -.-.- no
scylladb - -.-.- no


repositories {
    maven(url = "")

Current module types: common, h2, mariadb

compile "dev.httpmarco.evelon:evelon-MODULE:VERSION"

Change path of credentials configuartion

To change the path, there are two options. The first option would be to set the path in an environment variable, using the keyword evelon.credentials.path. Another option would be to set it programmatically with:


Todo query methods

  • createIfNotExists - Create an entity if it does not exist.
  • upsert - Create an entity if it does not exist, otherwise update it.

Another todos

  • row transformer
  • implement Arrays
  • sql word blacklist
  • maps
  • implement duplicated id check (Warning)

Blacklisted words:

  • user