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A better RESTful API framework for Python and Django.

Sprocket makes it easy to expose normal python functions in a web API through a restful interface. It works out of the box with Django models and provides a mixin and events system for easily adding in reusable, self-contained components into API.

Core Ideas

When using Sprocket, you will define Resource classes containing normal Python methods which perform the tasks of your API. For example, a Message resource may contain a send() method.

To expose these methods in an API, you will add EndPoints to your Resource class. An EndPoint contains a URL, a method to call, and any validation on the input from the request.

Resource classes are configured by defining inner Meta classes. Some of this configuration includes the “resource name”, which is reused throughout the Resource’s URLs.

To define reusable behavior which can appear in multiple Resources, you may create Mixin classes. Just like Resources, Mixin classes may define additional EndPoints.

Finally, you may communicate between Mixins and resources with Events. Defining event handlers allows you to customize behavior flexibly.



obj instance of the resource’s model_class

Returns a string representation of the object


data dictionary

Returns a JSON string representation of the given dictionary.


obj instance of the resource’s model_class

+triggers: BaseEvents.obj_to_dict Returns a dictionary representation of the object, with each of the resources fields stored in a key. It respects any includes or excludes lists you define in the Meta object.


post_data_byte_str string to convert

Deserializes the post_data_byte_str and returns an instance of the resource’s model_class.

dict_to_obj(data, obj=None)

data dictionary

obj instance of the resource’s model_class +triggers: BaseEvents.dict_to_obj

Assigns each value in data to the obj, if given, or a new instance of the resource’s model_class.


objects list of instances of the resource’s model_class

Serializes the list of objects into a JSON-encoded list. For example, the python list:

[<emptyObj>, <emptyObj>]

would return

“[{}, {}]”

objects list of instances of resource’s model_class

Returns a list of dictionary representations of the objects, converted using obj_to_dict().


These are tracked using the currently-running thread.


status_code int

set_response_header(name, header)

name string

header string

set_response_cookie(*args, **kwargs)

Checks if user is authenticated. Should be overridden in subclasses. ResourceMeta

BaseApiResource expects an internally-defined class called Meta, which should be a subclass of ResourceMeta. ResourceMeta subclasses may define the following class attributes:


A string used to identify the resource in urls. For example, a “BlogPost” Resource might have the name “blog-post” and appear in URLs such as /blog-post/31.


A helper object which defines the authentication method used to access this resource.


A Django Model class. Required when using DjangoModelResource.


ArgFilters make it easy to retrieve input parameters during an API call. They are passed into EndPointMethod constructors.


Target method receives the entire JSON dictionary, as converted into a kwargs dictionary. Considers an absence of a valid JSON string an exception.


allow_empty boolean

Identical to all_from_json, but if allow_empty is True, then no error is raised if the request contains no JSON at all.


Target method receives one keyword argument for each of the fields defined in the resource’s ResourceMeta, if the request contains a value for that field.


keys list of strings

Target method receives one keyword argument for each of the strings in keys. Requests missing one or more key raise a UserError.

keys_from_query(keys, all_required=True)

keys list of strings

all_required boolean

Target method receives one keyword for each key/value in the request’s querystring. If all_required is set to true, any keys not present in the qstring will return an error.


Target method receives one keyword and value for each key/value in the request’s querystring.


Identical to all_from_json

Typecasting Argfilters

These can be chained after a data-fetching Argfilter to typecast values.


param_names list of strings

Params given are converted to boolean values in place before continuing on to the target method.


param_names list of strings

Params given are converted to integer values in place before continuing on to the target method.


kwargs key/values, where values are all callables.

If a key in the kwargs matches one in the input, the input value is passed through the value. For example:

Argfilters.convert(user_id=lambda x: int(x) + 10)
{“user_id”: 32, “foo”: “bar”}
{“user_id”: 42, “foo”: “bar”}

Adding Endpoints

EndPoints describe a URL-to-method mapping, with additional validation parameters.

class EndPoint(url_pattern, *end_point_methods, **kwargs)

url_pattern regex, including capture groups for additional parameters which should be passed on to the target method

end_point_methods any additional positional arguments after url_pattern indicate EndPointMethods associate with that EndPoint


    r"^%s/changes$" % self._meta.resource_name,
class EndPointMethod(api_method_name, arg_filters)

api_method_name string, must match method name defined for resource arg_filters iterable containing zero or more ArgFilters

This is a base class which describes a mapping between an HTTP Method and a Python method defined for your resource, with ArgFilters providing validation on the arguments.

class PUT
class POST
class GET
class DELETE
class ApiError(message, status_code, error_dict, errors)

message string with a message for the API user

status_code integer with an HTTP error code

error_dict dictionary with multiple messages for the user

error list of strings, messages for the user

Raise an ApiError exception to let Sprocket handle rendering an error response for you.


Subclass of ApiError to designate error caused by users’ mistakes.


A subclass of BaseApiResource which defines EndPoints for basic CRUD operations using Django’s ORM.


A better REST API framework for django






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