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AVEL - Another Vector Extensions Library

Background: The SIMD Paradigm

Most CPU code is scalar. This is to say that each instruction processes a single set of inputs at a time. For example, a common add instruction will typically take in two integers, and produce a third. However, modern CPU's have long had vector instructions that perform the same operation on multiple inputs. For example, any x86-64 CPU features 128-bit registers which can hold four 32-bit integers at a time. A vectorized add instruction can be used on two such registers to compute four sums in just one instruction. This paradigm is known as SIMD, or Single-Instruction, Multiple-Data. As should be easy to imagine, processing data in this vectorized fashion can greatly improve performance.

Unfortunately, taking advantage of these instructions is far from convenient. These instructions can be used directly within assembly code, but writing assembly is not practical at scale. Alternatively, compilers may take advantage of these instructions in simple cases such as summing over an array, but their ability to vectorize code in the general case is poor when compared to that of a human. A third option would be to use intrinsics, functions that correspond to individual CPU instructions. Intriniscs are however an inconvenient interface with names that are difficult to parse and quite verbose. Not to mention that the use of intriniscs is not portable and they do little to remedy the fact that there are many gaps in the instructions available on various platforms. For example, x86 does not have unsigned integer comparisons until AVX-512, (32i, 32i) -> (32i) multiplication is not part of the base x86-64 ISA, and there aren't any vectorized integer division instructions at all. However, more often than not, it's possible to cheaply emulate these operations such there the higher through still makes for an increase in overall performance. At the same time, it's also inconvenient and filling in all these gap takes a fair bit of time. Additionally, certain operations may be complex to emulate efficiently even if it's possible to do so, making it unlikely that you'll do it in practice, as you probably don't have weeks to ponder the best way to perform division.

An important concept in SIMD is the distinction between the Structure-of-Arrays(SoA) approach and the Arrays-of-Structures(AoS) approach. Scalar code is typically written in an AoS approach where, as the name implies, data is organized into arrays that contain structs. However, this approach is not ideal for vectorization or for performance in general since it's common to only make use of small portion of the data contained with each struct. This means that there is poor usage of the available memory bandwidth and valuable time is spent on shuffling data around to populate vector registers. Hence, under this approach, SIMD is generally used to accelerate the processing of each individual element (where there is generally not a lot of potential parallelism to exploit) instead of processing multiple structs in parallel. Under a SoA approach, this is not an issue. Here, there is a single structure which contains an array for each member of the corresponding structure in the AoS approach. This means that data of the same type and purpose is stored contiguously and may hence be placed into a vector register with a single load instruction and there is little to no wasted memory bandwidth. Granted, it's certainly more difficult to interact with individual elements using this approach, but will generally lead to improved performance when it comes to processing elements in bulk.

AVEL aims to offer a convenient general-purpose interface suited for SoA approaches to vectorization where the gaps are filled. where vectorized code is almost as easy to write as scalar code, and where there is a fair degree of portability.


AVEL is a C++11 library that provides abstractions over SIMD instruction sets for x86 and ARM. This is primarily done through the use of classes which represent vector registers containing integers or floats.

  • unsigned and signed integers of 8, 16, 32, and 64-bit integers are supported on all targets.
  • 32 and 64-bit floats are supported on x86 and ARM with Neon and AARCH64
    • testing has not yet been done on AARCH32
  • 128-bit vectors are available on ARM with Neon
  • 128-bit, 256-bit and 512-bit vectors are available on x86

AVEL also offers various pieces of functionality that would be useful in the context of writing vectorized code.


The library aims to be convenient to use and so emulates the interface of C++'s native feature set and that of its standard library, offering vectorized versions of the same functionality including:

  • all integer and floating-point operators
  • misc. utilities from various headers such as min, max, clamp, and midpoint, and abs
  • most of the functions from C++ 20's <bit> header
  • a selection of float-manipulation functions from the <cmath> header
  • misc. AVEL-specific functions such as negate, blend, keep, clear, set_bits which are useful in the context of writing vectorized code

AVEL also offers scalar implementations of all of its vectorized facilities in the avel/Scalar. hpp header. These will also take advantage of scalar instructions native to the architecture being targeted. The behavior of these functions should match the behavior of each individual lane within a corresponding vector for all possible inputs. Note that certain inputs may be invalid for specific functions and results are not guaranteed to match.

To accelerate division AVEL also offers Denominator classes which at the cost of some upfront work, will be able to compute quotients and moduli more quickly after their construction.

Facilities to manage caches through prefetching are also available.

AVEL's Aligned_allocator class can be used to ensure that allocations meet an alignment requirement. This allows for the use of aligned load instructions which may perform better than non-aligned load instructions. However, it is recommended to use more specialized allocators if performing any non-trivial number of allocations. The performance characteristics of this allocator are not guaranteed to be consistent. It's primarily offered as a simple convenience.

AVEL's simplicity of implementation is considered to be one of its features. It's recognized that using a library is not suitable for all situations. AVEL was deliberately written with the intent of being easy to read so that AVEL may serve as a set of reference implementations for functions which may take a long time to create implementations for, or for which there may simply not be enough interest to implement. In this way, those who stick to using intrinsics or writing assembly may also benefit from the library as well.


Requires C++ 11 and a supported version of GCC, Clang, or ICX. See the Compiler Support section at the end of this file for further details

AVEL is a header-only library so it's facilities will be accessed by including the appropriate headers offers various headers in the include/avel/ directory. As an convenience, all of these headers may be included by including the avel/Avel.hpp header.

For each CPU feature set you wish to use, you must first pass the appropriate flags to your compiler.

  • See GCC's x86 flags and GCC's ARM flags
    • The relevant flags should also work if targeting Clang or ICPX
  • As a matter of convenience, the -march=native flag may be passed to GCC, Clang, or ICPX to indicate that the compiler should target the CPU on which the compiler is running.
  • On Linux systems you may inspect the /proc/cpuinfo and inspect the flags listings to see which features your CPU supports
    • Alternatively, the lscpu command can present you with the same information in a slightly more convenient format

Before including any of AVEL's header files, a list of macros should be defined to indicate which ISA extensions you wish to use. See Capabilities for a list of these macros.

Alternatively, instead of defining the macros individually, AVEL_AUTO_DETECT may be defined instead and the library will automatically use the ISA extensions specified via the command line.

Depending on which ISA extensions are enabled, specializations of the avel::Vector and avel::Vector_mask classes will be provided. Operations on these vectors will be implemented in a way that leverages the SIMD capabilities of the target machine.

Since these vector classes are meant to represent vector registers, they should ideally be used in a manner that is different from most other types:

  • It is discouraged to use these types for representing data.
  • It is encouraged to use these to manipulate data.
  • Vector's contents should be explicitly loaded and stored
  • Using too many objects of these types may cause register spillover and cause the compiler to emit undesired stores and loads
  • It's discouraged to use these in interfaces that may be called from external code. These classes should be a hidden implementation detail

The library is built using SIMD intrinsics which unfortunately have poor performance without optimization but compile to near optimal code even at low optimization levels.

  • Consider using the -O1 or -Og optimization flags in debug builds
  • The resulting assembly code is actually more readable with these optimizations enabled so if this is a relevant factor, their use is highly encouraged

It's encouraged to take a look at the underlying implementations to garner intuition behind the cost of various functions.

SIMD Vector Aliases

Different sets of specializations of avel::Vector will be available depending on which feature macros were defined. Although the direct use of avel::Vector and avel::Vector_mask is possible, it is not recommended. Instead, AVEL defines aliases for vectors containing a specific quantity of elements of a particular type. For example, if you've enabled AVEL_SSE2 then AVEL will offer the following aliases:

Native Width 128 bits wide
vec1x8u vec16x8u
vec1x8i vec16x8i
vec1x16u vec8x16u
vec1x16i vec8x16i
vec1x32u vec4x32u
vec1x32i vec4x32i
vec1x64u vec2x64u
vec1x64i vec2x64i

Those in the left column are always offered by AVEL and correspond to processing data in a vector fashion. Those in the right colum correspond to populating an 128-bit vector with as many elements of the specified type as possible.

AVEL also defines aliases that don't feature a specific length but instead have N or M.

Natural width Max width
vecNx8u vecMx8u
vecNx8i vecMx8i
vecNx16u vecMx16u
vecNx16i vecMx16i
vecNx32u vecMx32u
vecNx32i vecMx32i
vecNx64u vecMx64u
vecNx64i vecMx64i

N indicates the natural width of a vector given the specified CPU features. These vectors will offer AVEL's full feature set. M indicates the maximum width of a vector given the specified CPU features. Only loading, storing, and conversions are guaranteed to be supported for max-width vectors (note that only signed/unsigned and identity conversions are currently implemented).

Corresponding aliases for avel::Vector_mask and std::array are also provided with the vec prefix replaced with the mask and arr prefixes respectively.

Performance Warnings

If the target machine architecture doesn't support a particular operation via a dedicated instruction, it will be emulated using an instruction sequence instead., This may lead to certain operations being disproportionately expensive compared to the equivalent scalar operation, or the same operations performed if using a more modern instruction set.

This means that your intuitions for the cost of various operations may not translate from scalar code. It is encouraged that you read through the underlying implementations to get a better idea of the cost of the various functions.

Overall, most operations, even when emulated, will exhibit better throughputs than their scalar counterparts. While some emulations will have a non-trivial cost, they will still generally perform better than scalar code due to the sheer throughput of vectorization. A select few implementations may perform worse than scalar code depending on use, however, unless these operations comprise a significant portion of the data transforms, the performance benefits from other operations will still yield a net performance gain.

Falling Back to Intrinsics

AVEL relies on intrinsics, but it's fundamentally recognized that AVEL will not always be able to offer the best way to perform a particular operation. Hence, AVEL makes it easy to fall back to using platform-specific intrinsics.

Every vector class has a member type alias primitive which corresponds to the native type used for that vector by the underlying intrinsics. Vectors may be constructed from, assigned from, and converted to this type. For convenience, avel::decay may be called on a vector to get a copy of the underlying primitive object contained within the class.

The hope is that this will make it possible for users of the library to write the majority of their code in a convenient way, and only fall back to intrinsics when they need to take advantage of more specialized instructions.


The library's documentation consists of simple Markdown files provided in the docs directory of this repo. Since most of the functionality that the library provides is simply a vectorized version of features provided by the C++ core language and the C++'s standard library, it should be straightforward for any C++ developer to infer how to utilize most of the library.

The documentation for the standard library should suffice in most cases with the understanding this library will simply perform the specified operation for as many lanes as there are the vector being processed.

Most operations on avel::Vector<T, x> should have the same semantics as the corresponding operations on T with some notable exceptions:

  • Explicit conversions must be made to convert a avel::Vector<T, N> object to a avel::Vector<U, N> object even if there is an implicit conversion from T to U (Note that only signed/unsigned and identity conversions are currently implemented).
  • Signed integer overflow and underflow in the case of addition, subtraction, and multiplication is well-defined to exhibit the behavior expected of integers with a twos-complement representation.
  • Shifting integers by amounts equal to the number of bits they contain is well-defined to continue to shift in zeros or ones. The behavior of shifting by larger amounts or by negative amounts is unspecified for performance reasons.
  • Comparisons on vectors perform element-wise comparisons and hence return vector mask objects. The functions avel::all, avel::any, avel::count, and avel::none may be used on mask object to produce a scalar boolean value.
  • Conversions to/from bool are replaced with equivalent conversions to/from vector masks

Usage Examples

Populating Vectors

#include <avel/Vectors.hpp>

#include <cstdint>

using avel::vec4x32u;
using avel::load;

int main() {
    // Fills v0 with 4 copies of 1024
    vec4x32u v0{1024}
    // Load contents from a previously declared std::array object
    std::array<std::uint32_t, 4> arr1{256, 512, 1024, 2048};
    vec4x32u v1{arr1};

    // Load contents from anonymous std::array object
    vec4x32u v2{{256, 512, 1024, 2048}};
    // Load data from arbitrary memory location
    auto v3 = avel::load<vec4x32u>(;
    // Load data from memory address aligned to alignof(vec4x32u)
    alignas(16) std::int32_t raw_array[4] = {256, 512, 1024, 2048};
    auto v4 = avel::load_aligned<vec4x32u>(;

Utilizing a General Purpose Operation

#include <avel/Vectors.hpp>

#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>

using avel::vec4x32u;

void clamp_vector(const std::vector<std::uint32_t>& values) {
    //Handle complete vectors
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i += vec4x32u::width) {
        auto values = avel::load<vec4x32u>( + i);
        auto clamped_values = avel::clamp(values, 0, 10);
        avel::store(clamped_values, ptr);

    //Handle remaining elements
    auto remainder = values.size() % vec4x32u::width;
    auto value = avel::load<vec4x32u>(ptr, remainder);
    auto clamped_values = avel::clamp(values, 0, 10);
    avel::store(clamped_values, ptr, remainder);

Use of Denominator Classes

#include <avel/Vectors.hpp>

#include <cstdint>

using avel::vec4x32u;

int main() {
    std::uint32_t x = 10;
    Denom32u d{x};
    std::uint32_t z = 467;
    // Div can be used to compute both quotients and remainders in one call
    auto qr = div(z, d);
    std::uint32_t quotient = qr[0]; //Equal to 46
    std::uint32_t remainder = qr[1]; // Equal to 7
    return 0;

Use of Vector Denominator Classes


int main() {
    Denom32u d{10};
    // Vector denominators can be constructed from scalar denominators
    Denom4x32u denom_vector{d};
    vec4x32u v0{{10, 20, 30, 40}};

    // Can be used to divide each lane by 10, 20, 30, and 40 respectively
    Denom4x32u dv{v0}; 
    vec4x32u v1{{194, 994, 395, 973}};
    auto quotients = v1 / dv; //Equal to (19, 49, 13, 24)

    return 0;

Use of Aligned Allocator

// Use of the allocator by itself doesn't require specifying any ISA extensions
#include <avel/Allocator>

int main() {
    avel::aligned_allocator<std::uint32_t, 64> allocator;
    std::vector<std::uint32_t, decltype(allocator)> vec{allocator};
    //Use vec as you otherwise would
    return 0;

Compiler Support

The library's tests have been run and passed on:

  • x86
    • GCC 9.5.0, 10.4.0, 11.3.0, and 12.1.0
    • Clang 11.1.0-6, 12.0.1, 13.0.1, 14.0.0, 15.0.7
    • ICX 2023.2.0
  • ARM
    • GCC 9.3.0-22, 10.2.1-6
  • Clang 9.0.10-16.1, 11.0.1-2, 13.0.1-6
  • MSVC 19.37.32822

Presumably newer/intermediate versions of these compilers will also work however it has not been tested which are the oldest versions on which this library will function