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Digital Twin Project: Implementation of a turbulence sensor in a fan in collaboration with researchers from the IEMN (CNRS). Data processing part.

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Our project and the IT challenges

The context

The aim of the project was to anticipate industrial ventilation breakdowns using a turbulence sensor supplied by the IEMN (CNRS) research team.

We used a hot wire that acts like an anemometric sensor. When the air hits the wire, it should cool, but we keep it at a constant temperature, so a certain voltage is needed and delivered to keep it constant, and that's what we're studying.

Using only this voltage, we want to know what state the fans in the duct are in.

In the rest of the problem, all the calculations will be based on this voltage as a function of time.

Retrieve the data

The acquisition was performed using the nidaqmx module which uses our NIDAQ acquisition card.

We choose the frequency and the acquisition time, then we record 5 excelments one after the other containing the time and voltage data that we will then convert in .csv files to exploit them.

print('Recording 1 OK')
print('Recording 5 OK')

Data processing

We can easily get a list of tuples containing (t,U) as here data=[('0.0001', '1.0684'), ... ,('0.0999', '1.0523'), ('0.1', '1.0602')].

With csv.readerfunction:

with open(os.getcwd()+"\\data\\"+name, newline='') as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f)
        data = [tuple(row) for row in reader]

Then we put these on two lists X, Y.

We then used scipy.fft, scipy.fftfreq to get the FFT of the signal.

SAMPLE_RATE= np.mean([X[k+1]-X[k] for k in range(len(X)-1)])
N = len(X)
yf = fft(Y)
xf = fftfreq(N, SAMPLE_RATE)

Such parameters are based on the number of points in the file because we had some issues with our acquisition card which sometimes made acquisitions with non-constant numbers of points.

We can easily see now that when comparing both ffts of a broken fan and a clean one, we can see new frequences My Image

And when a blade is removed from the fan, we most of the time see frenquency lines at 57Hz:

My Image

Unfortunately, this is not at simple as that and knowing that degradations do not happen suddenly and as our role is to predict themand not to detect them, we decided to use an artificial intelligence model.

The place of AI in the project

The principle is to present cases of degradation to a neural network so that it can train itself and then anticipate a type of degradation.

Train a model

For the first AI model we wanted something simple: You enter a curve (points list) and you get as a binary output, if the fan was broken/damaged or not.

Choice of model type

Our first LAYER is an input with the number of points of an ascquisition.

LAYERS = [keras.layers.Input(n_max,dtype="float32")]

Then we add some LAYERS to train:

for k in range(3):

Finally ,the last LAYER had to be a sigmoid to get our binary output.

model = tf.keras.Sequential(LAYERS)

Adam is a classical choice for Stochastic optimisation.(the model makes random oriented modifications that it chooses according to the results it obtains on its own calculations)

About mse loss choice: MSE ensures that our trained model does not have outliers with huge errors, as MSE gives more weight to these errors due to the squared function.

Disadvantage: if our model makes a single very bad prediction, the squared part of the function amplifies the error.

In our case it is to be avoided that a broken fan is not detected as such, so the MSE error seems very relevant

Mutiply the amount of data

As the number of experiments was limited and required real-life conditions, we needed to be able to use a small set of data to the maximum. As we are working on flows, slices of 5 seconds or even one second would be more than sufficient, given the speed of rotation of a blade, which is greater than 60 Hz. We therefore split each signal into sub-samples, which could allow us to obtain a large number of FFTs, all different, representing different moments of a similar situation, but with periods large enough to be relevant.

By doing this for several different situations (several experiments), we obtained a large data set.

def random_strip(N,X,Y):
    L = len(X)
    x0 = np.random.randint(0,L+1-N)

Then when training the data we could easily have several numbers of samples from a single signal.

for i in range(1000):
    X2,Y2 = random_strip(len(X)//2,X,Y)

These methods were used in random_strip and fill_in functions, before generating the model.

Generate the model

def create_model(curves = []):
    if(len(curves) == 0):
    n_max = max([len(curves[3*k]) for k in range(len(curves)//3)])

    LAYERS = [keras.layers.Input(n_max,dtype="float32")]
    for k in range(3):
    model = tf.keras.Sequential(LAYERS)
    history =
        np.array([curves[3*k+1] for k in range(len(curves)//3)]),
        np.array([curves[3*k+2] for k in range(len(curves)//3)]),
        validation_split = 0.2)
    plt.title('model loss')
    plt.legend(['train', 'test'], loc='upper left')

    L_estime = model.predict([curves[3*k+1] for k in range(len(curves)//3)]).tolist()

    err = 0
    for k in range(len(curves)//3):
        if(k < len(curves)//6 and L_estime[k][0]>0.5):
            err += 1
        if(k>= len(curves)//6 and L_estime[k][0]<0.5):
            err += 1
    print(err," erreur, sur ",len(curves)//3, " exemples")"mymodel")

Model performance

As we wanted to know the error rate as a function of the type of learning, we carried out score tests on the performance.

My Image

With the help of this graph it is easy to understand that overlearning should be avoided for this project.

Multi-categorical categorification

With the precedent AI, we can recognize two categories of objects. However, we may have more than 2 categories. This is for example important if we need to diferentiate many differents type of issues.

New Structure

In this case, we change the outputs to be an array of n floats where n represents the number of categories. The activation function was altered to softmax:


Which ensures that all outputs are between 0 and 1 and their total sum is equal to 1.

As a result, they can be viewed as probabilities :

For exemple,[0,0.04,0.96] would mean that the model considers the entry to be of the 3rd category.

Note: To accurately assess the performance of the model, the metric used has been changed to tf.keras.metrics.CategoricalAccuracy().


It was difficult to obtain satisfactory results for this part, but it is being improved and this technique is promising.

The final product with graphics

My Image


Here your can see some demonstrations on the thing in action:


Digital Twin Project: Implementation of a turbulence sensor in a fan in collaboration with researchers from the IEMN (CNRS). Data processing part.






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