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Seafile compose

The project is intended for a quick developer environment for Seahub, while all necessary components live in their own containers.

There are separate containers for:

  • Mysql DB
  • CCNET-server
  • Seafile-server
  • Seahub

All containers except the DB are using the official Seafile release downloads, where the version is specified in the Dockerfile.

Run compose

docker-compose \
  -f docker-compose.yaml \
  up \
  --force-recreate \
  --renew-anon-volumes \

Create a superuser

In a new terminal, from the project root, run:

docker-compose exec seahub python /opt/seafile/seafile-server-latest/seahub/ createsuperuser

Access your Seafile instance

This will get you the upstream vanilla version of Seafile listening on http://localhost:8000, with no customizations. You can login using the superuser you just created.

Changing the version

Edit the Dockerfile in seafile_dev_docker/Dockerfile and change SEAFILE_VERSION=X.Y.Z to an available version.

Run local copy of Seahub with ipdb

Clone the Seahub repository into the local folder seahub (clone or symlink), it will be mounted on the seahub container to override the version that ships with the official release.

To run the local copy of Seahub with Docker Compose run

docker-compose \
  -f docker-compose.yaml \
  -f \
  up \
  --force-recreate \
  --renew-anon-volumes \

This will get you the a custom version of Seahub listening on http://localhost:8000, using the upstream vanilla versions of Seafile-server and CCNET-server. This container also includes ipdb for debugging.

Then if you want to use ipdb.set_trace() to debug your version you have to restart the Seahub container as follows:

docker-compose stop seahub
docker-compose run --service-ports seahub

That's it. The Seahub service will now run in the foreground and you should get an interactive debugging shell when reaching a breakpoint. Changing your Seahub code should trigger Django to reload so you don't have to restart the container after every change.

Useful for compose debugging

When up fails you can try to debug by running bash on the image and attaching volumes and networks:

docker run \
  --rm \
  -it \
  --entrypoint /bin/bash \
  -v seafile-compose_sockets:/opt/seafile/sockets \
  --network seafile-compose_default\

Then try the compose service command that fails and see what's wrong.


This open source software code was developed in part or in whole in the Human Brain Project, funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under the Specific Grant Agreement No. 785907 (Human Brain Project SGA2).