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Dazza Greenwood edited this page Oct 11, 2016 · 4 revisions

Log of Blockchain Definitions and Descriptions


log item: blockchain is vast glogal ledger

  • Note: According to Alex Tapscott, "with blokchian you've got a second era of the internet where you have essentially a vast glogal ledger, its kind of like a big spreadsheet that doesn't run on one bank's server, it runs on every computer in the world and its not open to a few people its open to everyone where not just information like emails and pdfs and website and voice over IP but literally anything of value and thats where the excitement is so not just money and bitcoin but also stocks, bonds, letters of credit, titles and deeds even votes in an election can be moved stored and managed securely and privately and where trust is not established by an intermediary but rather through a combination of cryptography, consensus and clever code as we say
  • in: [m14 s34]
  • out: [m15 s18]

log item: Alex Tapscott talks about blockchain disinter-mediating players from systems that do not add value

  • in:[m27 s55]
  • out: [m27 s57]

log item N: [add summary here and attribute speaker whenever possible]

in: [add minute and second of in point here] out: [add minute and second of out point here]


log item 1: [add summary here and attribute speaker whenever possible]

in: [add minute and second of in point here] out: [add minute and second of out point here]

log item 2: [add summary here and attribute speaker whenever possible]

in: [add minute and second of in point here] out: [add minute and second of out point here]

log item N: [add summary here and attribute speaker whenever possible]

in: [add minute and second of in point here] out: [add minute and second of out point here]