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Data and Code Ledger Assignment

The purpose of the Data and Code Ledger is to take notes and examples in your own words to consolidate the gains you have made in learning how to code in R for data analysis. The ledger should review and demonstrate mastery of the range of commands, visualization techniques, and analytical methods you have learned this semester. This assignment is to be completed individually.

You will be graded three times throughout the semester on your progress, but I encourage you to view this assignment as a living tool for your own learning and reference throughout the course.

  1. To get started, check out the Data and Code Ledger Template from Github Classroom. Direct link:

  2. Once you have created a fork of the Data and Code Ledger Template repository, make a new branch called 'student' and set it to the default branch (as we do with labs).

  3. Now locate the provided Rmd template. You will notice that Rmd looks a lot like regular markdown (the kind you have seen in files).

  4. Clone or download your repo (same as you do with labs)

  5. Open your Rmd file in RStudio

  6. RStudio may ask you to install any missing packages that are required

  7. Fill in metadata (name, date, etc.) in your Rmd file

  8. Answer questions from the template (each submission requires some portion of the template)

  9. Make sure you save all changes to your file

  10. Output HTML from rMarkdown

  11. Upload/push HTML and updated Rmd to your Github repo

  12. Create your pull request (as with all labs). Note that, for you second and third submissions, you will update/replace your prior pull request

Submission Deadlines

Submission Due Date Required Questions
First Submission Thursday, September 10 Questions 1-5, 10-14, and 18-22
Second Submission Thursday, October 8 Questions 1-6, 10-16, 18-25, and 27-28. You may make revisions to prior answers or examples, if useful. This means the only new questions to answer are 6, 15-16, and 23-25, 27-28. All previous questions + questions 6, 15, 16, and 28
Third Submission Thursday, October 29 Complete code glossary. Provide complete polished answers to all 30 Questions. You may make revisions to prior answers or examples, if useful. This means the only new questions to answer are 7, 17, and 29-30. You do not need to complete questions 8, 9, or 26. You are welcome to try if you would like. All previous questions + 7, 23, 24, 25, 27; extra credit for completing up to two of the following: 8, 9, 17, 26, 29, 30