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There is no development planned for SquareJS or SquareDB in 2017.

Current version 1.0.1


npm install squarejs --save

npm will create a node_modules folder (if it does not exist already).
Inside that folder will be a squarejs folder which contains a lib directory.
It is recommended that you create a lib folder under your own application root directory.
Copy only the files you need from node_modules/squarejs/lib into your own lib folder.

For example

V YourAppRoot
    V YourAppDir
        > Your app files
    V lib
        > SquareJS files

Which files you need depends on how you include the framework:

  • minified using script src="lib/square.min.js"
    • See examples/Demo_Buttons for a sample implementation
  • unminified using script src="lib/square.js"
  • using require.js modules, don't use the square.js file
    • For require, use only the files under lib/modules
    • See examples/Demo_Buttons_Require for a sample implementation

SquareJS Modules:

  • util.js Provides requisite low-level functionality and shims for the rest of the framework.
  • box.js It's a view in a box, just pass it a 'box config' and you get back a view with all your eventing hooked up. Sweet!
  • eventHub.js Provides native JavaScript Events to data models for data-binding without loops or synthetic events.
  • notify.js Experimental router and pub/sub module still under heavy development.
  • request.js Promise wrapped AJAX requests for when you need to get stuff.
  • lobro.js Persist data to localStorage.
  • temple.js Lightweight templating engine that lets you write valid html templates and automate event management.

SquareJS contains SquareDB

./lib/modules/squaredb or included with square.js and square.min.js

  • squaredb.js Unique and super fast relational database model on the client.
    Provides SQLish syntax and tons of cool features.
  • aggregates.js Mathematical functions for column data: sum, max, min, avg, count
  • comparator.js Handles comparison logic for WHERE statements
  • go.js Does the heavy lifting for all queries as it takes the QueryObject and executes the query.
  • Select.js Creates instances of the SELECT statement providing FROM and WHERE.



Squobs was dropped, Square.js now actually contains the framework, and there's a minified Square available which is super tiny and crazy fast.

See changelog for all previous updates.


Square[JS] Application Development Framework







No releases published


