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Releases: Husbanken/ngx-translate-extract-marker

Fix engines i package.json

14 Mar 09:23
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Fixed engines - node and npm - to be more lenient (>= instead of ~)

Split into two entrypoints

26 Jan 07:44
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Due to an issue with Cypress and importing @angular/* dependencies I've decided to split the lib into two entrypoints; root (@colsen1991/ngx-translate-extract-marker) and /extras. The latter contains the new pipe and directive, as well as the module which includes both.

Fixed a few bugs

20 Jan 09:00
Choose a tag to compare

Fixed some errors related to changes in the build process

Initial release

18 Jan 08:34
Choose a tag to compare

Marker function, pipe and directive, including a NgModule with the latter two is now released