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NeighborsBook application is implanted as a website and a cross platform mobile application which is available for android and iOS users.

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Our life now is changing rapidly, the technologies enter all aspects of our life, social media websites changes our daily life, all this encouraged us to think about an application that helps people around the world, and finally we decided to build our application NeighborsBook.

The importance of our project appears from the daily life of all humans, by using NeighborsBook you don’t need any more to buy most of things you need! Also easily you can find technicians, engineers, teachers around you! NeighborsBook makes this easier.

The main features of this project are:
A user has an account in our application can do the following:
• Find most of products around him that his neighbors published.
• Find technicians, engineers, teachers around him easily.
• Request any product he want around him.
• Request any skill he want around him.
• NeighborsBook will be as mediator between users.
• Every user will have a map that shows peoples, products he want around him.

Website pages:

This page is viewed when a new user visits the website: image

Register page:

In this page the user register in our website after typing the required information, the user enters his home location on the map and he can drag the marker exactly to his location on the map and the app will pick his location automatically. image

Login page:

The login page is used to authenticate the user to his profile after typing the email and password: image

Home page:

This page contains a map that show markers for everyone around the user image

The user can click on the marker to view the status of his neighbor: image

Also, he can see the returned and unreturned stuff around him: Basic information about stuff is viewed as the name of the stuff, owner name, type, and distance. image


He can also see the skills around him: image

We view the basic information name, free times.

Everything is categorized and the user just clicks in the category to view everything inside it:

Categories page:

In this page we view the categories:







Add stuff page:

At this page the user can add stuff to his neighbors: image

Add skill page:

At this page the user adds skills to share them with his neighbors: image

Pick needs page:

At this page the user can tell his neighbors that he wants a stuff: image

Request skills page:

At this page the user can request skills from his neighbors: image

Profile page:

At this page, we view all data related to the user, profile info, uploads, notifications and the user can add a profile picture and cover picture. image

Profile info page:

At this page, we view the profile info and the user can edit his info image

Here the user can edit his profile and submit changes: image

user uploads page:

At this page, the user can see his uploads and the orders from his neighbors. image

notifications page:

At this page the user can see his notifications: A notification is sanded to the user in the following cases: 1-If someone accepted his request. 2-If someone around him requests a skill. 3-If someone around him requests a stuff.

We used real-time notification system using Redis. image

user-stuff page:

At this page, the user can update stuff info, approve users to get this stuff. image When the user clicks update this window is appear, so he can update stuff information: image Also, the user can approve his neighbor’s orders: image

use-neighbors page:

At this page the user can see all his neighbors ordered based in distance: image

users profile page:

At this page, the user can see his neighbor profile page, and they can chat with each other image

  • We implanted a full real-time shat using Redis.

stuff preview page:

At this page, the user can order the stuff, chat with his neighbor, get directed to the stuff location. image

At this section, the user can get directed to the stuff location. image

thanks, page:

This page is previewed when the user requests stuff: image

Mobile Application:

Sign in and home pages:

In the mobile app, the user needs to sign in to access the services that the app provides. When the user enters email and password automatically he will be redirected to home page. By default, home page shows the random stuff and skills around the user. Also, he can choose the categories of stuff and skills around him. image image

Add stuff and skill pages:

If the user wants to add new stuff or skill.He can go to add a page by side menu. The user can choose from the tab (stuff or skill).If the user chooses stuff then he must fill the following fields name, category, type (returned or unreturned stuff), deadline date if it is returned, details f about it and photo which is either from camera or gallery.
image image

Another tab choice is “skill”, the user on this page must fill the following fields skill’s name, category, free time (days in week and time) and description. image


NeighborsBook application is implanted as a website and a cross platform mobile application which is available for android and iOS users.







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