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This package can save Serialized data, first encrypting and/or compressing it. You can select if you want to only encrypt, compress or use both. Also, you can choose witch serialization method to use (Json, XML or Binary).

To start to save/load data, you need first to create a Persistence Settings asset and use it on your Serialized data class.

How To Use

Creating a Persistence Settings

Open the Project Settings Windows and select Persistence (below ActionCode group).

Click on the Create button and save a new Persistence Settings asset.

The Persistence Settings Menu

Now you can select a Serializer, Compression, Cryptographer and other settings to use when saving your data. Each property has a Tooltip description.

If you're using a Cryptographer method, set a new Cryptographer Key using the Get New Cryptographer Key button.

Important: you should always use a different Cryptographer Key for every game you work in order to increase your data security.

Creating the Serialized Data Class

Your Serialized data class should always use the System.Serializable attribute.

using System;

public sealed class PlayerData
    public int score;
    public int lastLevel;
    public string playerName;
    public DateTime LastUpdateTime = DateTime.Now;

Note 1: if you're planning to use XML Serialization you should create a constructor to each serialized class.

Note 2: Json Utility serializer doesn't save properties, just public fields and fields with the [SerializeField] attribute. Also, some types are not supported as well. To solve this, please use Json Newtonsoft serializer and install the Newtonsoft Json package.

Note 3: If you're using Json Newtonsoft serializer, don't forget to use the [JsonConstructor] attribute into your default classes constructors.

Now you can Save/Load your PlayerData like so:

using UnityEngine;
using ActionCode.Persistence;

public sealed class PlayerDataTester : MonoBehaviour
    public PersistenceSettings settings;

    public async void Save()
        var data = new PlayerData
            score = 100,
            lastLevel = 1,
            playerName = "MegaMan"
        var wasSaved = await settings.Save(data, slot: 0);

        print("Data was saved? " + wasSaved);

    public async void Load()
        var data = await settings.Load<PlayerData>(slot: 0);
        var hasData = data != null;

        print("Data was loaded? " + hasData);

Don't forget to link the settings asset reference created by the Persistence Settings menu.

Checking the Persisted Data

Go to the Persistence Menu into the Project Settings or select the Persistence Settings asset.

If you want to debug your persisted data, make sure to enable the Save Raw File. This way a legible file will be saved next the encrypted/compressed one.

This file is only saved on Editor. Your build will always save only the encrypted/compressed data.

To check the files, click on the Open Save Folder button.

The SaveRawFile

When in the develop process, you can use the static function PersistenceSettings.LoadRawFile<T>() to quickly load your save raw file. This is faster since it will not uncompress or decrypt the raw file.


Using the Package Registry Server

Follow the instructions inside here and the package ActionCode-Persistence will be available for you to install using the Package Manager windows.

Using the Git URL

You will need a Git client installed on your computer with the Path variable already set.

  • Use the Package Manager "Add package from git URL..." feature and paste this URL:

  • You can also manually modify you Packages/manifest.json file and add this line inside dependencies attribute:

"com.actioncode.persistence": ""

Hyago Oliveira

GitHub - BitBucket - LinkedIn -


Save Serialized data using encryption and compression







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