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Use case documents for the entrypoint and a first draft of security c…
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* Let's consider first an entry-point use case of the Hydra client.
* Added entry-point use case.
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alien-mcl authored and lanthaler committed May 1, 2017
1 parent 4d9d4fc commit 8731970
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101 changes: 101 additions & 0 deletions drafts/use-cases/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
# Uses cases for Hydra Core Vocabulary client

Here you can find some of the use cases to consider while developing a reference client implementation and improve Hydra Core Vocabulary specification.

To create a context of the whole task, these use-cases are related to the [EventAPI]( and a calendar-like UI web application.

Each scenario is build using several sections:

- Story - a short _As a... I want... so..._ story introducing a general requirement
- Usage - a pseudo-code (JavaScript/TypeScript like) of the imaginary client
- Details - detailed description
- Considerations - some additional considerations on several aspects

## Assumptions

For simplification, some assumptions are made so the main topic of each of the use-cases are not distracted with side details.

These would be:

- client-server communication uses JSON-LD RDF serialization using HTTP headers:
Content-Type: application/ld+json for server responses
Accept: application/ld+json client requests
- JSON-LD context is described later on in this document and is referenced in further example
payloads with this property:
"@context": "/api/context.jsonld"
// further example payload goes here
- to simplify, the host was dropped from all Urls. We can assume an example like

### JSON-LD context
"@context": {
"hydra": "",
"rdf": "",
"rdfs": "",
"xsd": "",
"owl": "",
"schema": "",
"title": {
"@id": "hydra:title",
"@type": "xsd:string"
"operations": {
"@id": "hydra:operation",
"@type": "hydra:Operation"
"method": {
"@id": "hydra:method",
"@type": "xsd:string"
"returns": {
"@id": "hydra:returns",
"@type": "hydra:Class"
"expects": {
"@id": "hydra:expects",
"@type": "hydra:Class"
"supportedClasses": {
"@id": "hydra:supportedClass",
"@type": "hydra:Class"
"supportedProperties": {
"@id": "hydra:supportedProperty",
"@type": "@id"
"property": {
"@id": "hydra:property",
"@type": "rdf:Property"
"members": {
"@id": "hydra:member",
"@type": "@id"
"totalItems": {
"@id": "hydra:totalItems",
"@type": "xsd:int"
"eventName": {
"@id": "schema:name",
"@type": "xsd:string"
"eventDescription": {
"@id": "schema:description",
"@type": "xsd:string"
"startDate": {
"@id": "schema:startDate",
"@type": "xsd:dateTime"
"endDate": {
"@id": "schema:endDate",
"@type": "xsd:dateTime"
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions drafts/use-cases/
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### Security considerations

#### JSON array root security issues
Due to security issues with JSON arrays which can be exploited in some circumstances,
there may be a need to avoid pure arrays in favour of a JSON object.
In the scenario above, server returned a single object, which won't cause issues.
But it is possible to return multiple resources, resulting in an JSON array returned
(server may not use any JSON-LD context or it may be completely different from the one used by the client).
There are several possibilities here. One of them would be to use a *@graph* notation, i.e.:

"@graph": [
"@id": "/api",
"operations": [
"@id": "/api/events",
"title": "Events",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"returns": "hydra:Collection"
"@id": "/api/events",
"title": "Create new event",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"expects": "schema:Event"
"rdfs:label": "Some other resource somehow related to the main one."

Using default graph seems reasonable, but implies some additional, possibly unwanted,
logic of the graph itself.
We could consider another approach or somehow standardize the graph name (if necessary).
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## Entry point

### Story
As an application user
I want my application to consume an entry point for the Web API by providing a base URL
So I can start managing my events.

### Usage
var client = new HydraClient();
var entryPoint = client.get("").getEntryPoint();
for (var operation of entryPoint.operations) {
// do something with the *operation*

### Details
It is simple to imagine a situation, when an application has a base URL provided, i.e.
in a configuration or in the input field.
Once provided, the application is expected to connect to the entry-point of the Web API and download initial
details on what else can be done with that API from that very point.

GET /api
"@id": "/api",
"operations": [
"@id": "/api/events",
"@type": "hydra:Operation",
"title": "Events",
"method": "GET",
"returns": "hydra:Collection"
"@id": "/api/events#new",
"@type": "hydra:Operation",
"title": "Create new event",
"method": "POST",
"expects": "schema:Event"

With this details, client application is aware of two possible operations that can be made from that point:

- GET events
- POST an event

It is possible for a rich UI application with some fancy logic that would takes all
GET operations returning *hydra:Collection* and displays them in a main menu.

### Considerations

#### RDFS entailment and OWL Reasoning capabilities
Another thing is how far the client should be pushed into the reasoning process.
In the example above, both operations have their type explicitely expressed with *"@type"* keyword.
But in RDFS environment, it is possible to use only *hydra:method* and *hydra:expects* predicates,
which is fully legal as the entailment process would extend the resource */events* with additional
statement (in Turtle):

</api/events> a hydra:Operation .

This is due to fact that Hydra Core Vocabulary provides an *rdfs:domain* for *hydra:method* .
Unfortunately, many clients, especially browser based, won't use that process of entailment,
thus an explicit statement should appear so the client can easily discover all the operations.

#### Security considerations

Please refer to the (this)[/] for security considerations.

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