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Integrating Hydrogen PHP SDK Library for easy access to Hydrogen APIs

Hydrogen Payment Gateway helps you process payments using cards and account transfers for faster delivery of goods and services on your PHP site.
It abstracts the complexity involved in direct integration and allows you to make quick calls to the APIs.

This SDK communicates with Hydrogen API. You need to have a Hydrogen merchant account and Auth Key to use this SDK.


  • Composer

  • An IDE

  • Hydrogen Auth Token

  • Acceptable PHP versions: >= 7.4.0. for older versions of PHP

Sign up account here: 


To get started, First you need to install the package into your existing project.

To install the package via Composer, run the following command.

composer require hydrogenpay/hydrogenpay-sdk:@dev

Alternatively, you can add the package to your composer.json file and run the command composer install on your editor terminal.

    "require": {

        "hydrogenpay/hydrogenpay-sdk": "@dev"


This command installs the package. The package can be found in the vendor folder. if you get an error message while running the command, ensure you have composer installed.


After installation, create a .env file in the root of the project. Most frameworks (such as Laravel and Symfony support the use of .env files). if you are not using a framework you need to create one.

Create a .env file and follow the format of the .env.example file.Save your, TEST_AUTH_TOKEN, LIVE_AUTH_TOKEN, MODE  in the .env fileYour .env file should look like the below:




# MODE=live // test mode for payment testing and live mode is for production

The SDK provides two easy methods of making collections via the Payment Gateway modal. 



try {

    $customHandler = new PaymentHandler();

    $client = new HydrogenpayAfrica();

    $modalType = Modal::REDIRECT; // Modal::POPUP or Modal::REDIRECT

    $controller = new TransactionController( $client, $customHandler, $modalType );

} catch(\Exception $e ) {

    echo $e->getMessage();


Edit the processTransaction.php files to suite your purpose by either changing the Modal to POPUP or REDIRECT.

Transaction Resources 

Edit the transactionForm.php and processTransaction.php files to suit your purpose. Both files are well documented.

Simply redirect to the transactionForm.php file on your browser to process a payment.

In this implementation, we are expecting a form-encoded POST request.The request will contain the following parameters. Request parameters

Request Parameters

Mandatory Name Comment
Yes amount The amount to be charged for the transaction.
Yes email The customer's email address.
Yes currency The currency in which the transaction is processed.
No description A brief description of the transaction.
No meta Additional metadata or information related to the transaction.
Yes callback Callback redirection
    "amount": "The amount to be charged for the transaction",
    "customerName": "Dev Test",
    "email": "",
    "currency": "NGN",
    "description": "test desc",
    "meta": "test meta",
    "callback": "",

The script in processTransaction.php handles the request data via the TransactionController. If you are using a Framework like Laravel or CodeIgniter you might want to take a look at the TransactionController. 



namespace HydrogenpayAfrica\Controller;

use HydrogenpayAfrica\EventHandlers\ModalEventHandler;
use HydrogenpayAfrica\EventHandlers\EventHandlerInterface;
use HydrogenpayAfrica\HydrogenpayAfrica;
use HydrogenpayAfrica\Entities\Payload;
use HydrogenpayAfrica\Library\Modal;
use HydrogenpayAfrica\Service\Transactions;

final class TransactionController
    private string $requestMethod;

    private EventHandlerInterface $handler;
    private HydrogenpayAfrica $client;
    private string $modalType;
    protected array $routes = [
        'process' => 'POST',
        'callback' => 'GET'

    public function __construct(
        HydrogenpayAfrica $client,
        EventHandlerInterface $handler,
        string $modalType
    ) {
        $this->requestMethod =  $this->getRequestMethod();
        $this->handler = $handler;
        $this->client = $client;
        $this->modalType = $modalType;

    private function getRequestMethod(): string
        return ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "POST") ? 'POST' : 'GET';

    public function __call(string $name, array $args)
        if ($this->routes[$name] !== $this->requestMethod) {

            echo "Unauthorized page!";

        call_user_func_array(array($this, $name), $args);

    private function handleSessionData(array $request)
        $_SESSION['success_url'] = $request['success_url'];
        $_SESSION['failure_url'] = $request['failure_url'];
    public function process(array $request)

        try {
            $_SESSION['p'] = $this->client;

            if ('inline' === $this->modalType) {
                echo $this->client
            } else {
                $paymentLink = $this->client
                header('Location: ' . $paymentLink);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            echo $e->getMessage();

    public function callback(array $request)
        $transactionRef = $request['TransactionRef'];

        if (empty($transactionRef)) {

        if (!isset($_SESSION['p'])) {
            echo "session expired!. please refresh you browser.";

        $payment = $_SESSION['p'];


        if (isset($request['TransactionRef'])) {
            $transactionRef = $request['TransactionRef'];

            $payment->logger->notice('Payment completed. Now requerying payment.');


Verifying Transaction

$request = $_GET;
# Confirming Transaction.
if(isset($request['TransactionRef'])) {
    $controller->callback( $request );
} else {
     * Requery initiation for a previous transaction from the hydrogen payment gateway
     * @param  string $transactionRef This should be the reference number of the transaction you want to requery
     * @throws ClientExceptionInterface
     * @throws ApiException
    public function requeryTransaction(string $transactionRef): object
        // Transaction reference
        $this->transactionRef = $transactionRef;

        // Log requery attempt
        $this->logger->notice('Requerying Transaction....' . $this->transactionRef);

        // Call the requery handler if it is set
        if (isset($this->handler)) {

        // Data Prepare for the requery
        $data = [
            'transactionRef' => $transactionRef,

        // Sending a POST request
        $response = $this->postURL(static::$config, $data);

        // Response to determine the status of the transaction
        $transConfirmation = $responseObj = (object) [
            'status' => $response, // Paid or Failed

        // Check if the transaction was successful or failed
        if ($transConfirmation->status == 'Paid') {
            $this->logger->notice('Requeryed a successful transaction....' . $response);

            // Handle successful transaction
            if (isset($this->handler)) {
        } elseif ($transConfirmation->status == 'Failed') {
            // Log failed requery
            $this->logger->warning('Requeryed a failed transaction....' . $response);

            // Handle failed transaction
            if (isset($this->handler)) {

        // Return method
        return $this;
    <!-- Enter the URL where you want your customers to be redirected after completing the payment process. 
        Ensure that this URL routes to your 'processTransaction.php' file. -->
    <input type="hidden" name="callback" value="">

    <!-- Enter the URL where you want your customers to be redirected after a successful transaction. -->
    <input type="hidden" name="success_url" value="">

    <!-- Enter the URL where you want your customers to be redirected if the transaction fails. -->
    <input type="hidden" name="failure_url" value="">


In transactionFrom.php, you can pass your desired URL for your project in the value:

  • Callback: Redirect URL after payment has been completed on the gateway.

  • Success_url : Redirect URL for Payment Success

  • Failure_url : Redirect URL for Payment Failed


All of the SDK's tests are written with PHP's phpunit module.

Navigate to the SDK directory:

cd hydrogenpay/hydrogenpay-sdk

Install PHPUnit as a development dependency using Composer:

composer require --dev phpunit/phpunit

Run PHPUnit to execute the tests:



  • Accept payment via Mastercard, Visa, Verve, and Bank Account.

  • Seamless integration into your site checkout page. Accept payment directly on your site.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License file for more information.

Hydrogenpay Api References

 - Hydrogenpay API Documentation


SDK for seamlessly integrating Hydrogen Payment Gateway into your PHP applications, including popular PHP frameworks such as Laravel, Symfony and Codeigniter.







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