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NASA GES DISC Downloader Example

Thomas Brauer edited this page Oct 22, 2019 · 6 revisions

In this example we'll download NASA Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) data from the NASA GES DISC site.

To download data from the NASA GES DISC site you will need a NASA Earthdata account. You will also need to sign the End User Licensing Agreement for the NASA GESDISC data archive.

Download the nasa_ges_disc_downoader.exe artifact. You can get the latest release here.

  1. Browse to the NASA GES DISC site. Search for "GPM":

  2. Select the GPM IMERG Final Precipitation v.06 30 minute dataset:

  3. Select Subset / Get Data:

  4. Select a subset of the data. In this case I selected dates for September 2017. I drew a spatial subset polygon over the continental United States. I selected the calibrated precipitation parameter: precipitationCal. I selected the HDF5 file format.

  5. Select Download links list to get a text file of links. Save the links list to a local directory. I saved mine to C:/Temp/gpm.

  6. Now use the NASA GES DISC Downloader utility to download links from the list. For this example I put a copy of nasa_ges_disc_downloader.exe in C:/Temp/gpm.

Program arguments are:
-l, --path_to_links : text file having list of download links
-d, --destination : download location of files
-u, --username : NASA Earthdata username
-p, --password : NASA Earthdata password
-n, --threads : amount of threads for download

An example command:

nasa_ges_disc_downloader -l=C:/Temp/gpm/subset_GPM_3IMERGHH_06_20191022_174009.txt -d=C:/Temp/gpm -u=majortom -p=rocketman321 -n=10

Be sure to use your credentials for username and password. You can execute the command from the command line or create a batch script.

After executing the command, files should start downloading:

Once the files have downloaded, you can read data in to HEC-DSS with vortex.

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