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Releases: HyperSMP/EggHuntPlugin

EggHunt v1.1.1

30 Jul 18:05
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Version 1.1.1

This version of EggHunt is the first to support multiple versions of Minecraft. It adds compatibility with Minecraft versions 1.17 - 1.20.1. It also contains a few bug fixes for known issues in v1.1.

See the README file for installation instructions.

Note: The plugin's internal version and jar file name have now changed to use the plugin's version string, rather than a version string matching the Minecraft version they are compatible with.


  • Added backwards compatibility
  • Disabled debugging by default
  • Fixed a known issue in v1.1 where running /locateegg when the egg does not exist caused errors
  • Fixed a known issue in v1.1 causing the "Egg overwritten by the end spawn platform" message to appear in error
  • Fixed a known issue in v1.1 where the egg will not be overwritten by the end platform, even if not set to be invulnerable

Known Issues

  • There may still be ways to destroy the dragon egg that this plugin is unable to track, even when invulnerability is enabled. However, there is no known way of "hiding" the egg from the plugin without also destroying it.
  • The /togglenotify command has not been implemented yet, but server owners can still change players' eggnotify permission manually.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.0.1-1.20.1...v1.1-MVS-alpha

EggHunt 1.20.1 v1.1

20 Jul 03:47
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Version 1.1:

Added so many new features since the last release that it deserves its own section!

Check the README file for installation instructions.

Compatible with Minecraft version 1.20.0-1.20.1.


  • Tagging of the player who owns the egg has been added, so you can now use an entity selector to target the egg owner with commands! This lets you run commands like /effect give @a[tag=eggOwner] glowing, /execute at @a[tag=eggOwner] run summon creeper ~ ~ ~, or any other commands you can think of, to buff, nerf, or otherwise customize what happens to the owner of the egg.
  • Added scoreboard compatibility! Two new scoreboards track the amount of time each player has owned the dragon egg. Check the /scoreboard command for options.
  • Added a config setting for named entities to gain points on the scoreboard, so your beloved pet llama can be the real MVP not just in your heart, but also on the server-wide leaderboard.
  • The /locateegg command now gives you a bit more information about how far you are from the dragon egg and whether you're in the same world as the egg.
  • Chat messages sent by this plugin are now more colorful!
  • Egg respawning had a slight tweak to make particle effects align to the center of the egg.
  • Egg Hunt won't take away the dragon egg from a player as soon as they fall into the void. Instead it will wait to see if they manage to escape.
  • Added a config setting to disable debug messages, so the console doesn't get spammed every time the egg owner rearranges their storage system.
  • The missing eggowner permssion has been added, so now it's possible to set who can use /eggowner.
  • The dragon egg no longer wastes your bonemeal and yells at you if you try to grow a mushroom that would destroy it. Now it just makes sure it doesn't get deleted, instead of preventing the mushroom from growing.
  • When invulnerable, the egg is now immune to being deleted by the Ender Dragon or replaced by regeneration of the end platform. If not invulnerable, the plugin will notice and will know to respawn the egg.
  • While it's not quite ready, steps have been taken towards allowing the dragon egg to be safely stored in bundles and shulker boxes. Stay tuned!
  • The entire tracking system is now more resilient and has double-checking to make sure data is correct.
  • The "event is Deprecated" warning message has been fixed.
  • Lots of bug fixes.

Known Issues:

  • Although this version fixed some of these issues, there may still be ways to destroy the dragon egg that this plugin is unable to track, even when invulnerability is enabled. However, there is no known way of "hiding" the egg from the plugin without also destroying it.
  • The togglenotify command has not been implemented yet, but server owners can still change players' eggnotify permission manually.
  • If debug mode is enabled, entering The End will generate the message "Egg overwritten by the end spawn platform, spawning egg item at block location", even if no egg occupies the platform. This message appears in error and does not actually cause a new egg item to be spawned.
  • Running /locateegg will fail and show an error in the console if the dragon egg does not exist.
  • The egg will be protected from being overwritten by the end platform even if invulnerability is disabled.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.0.1-1.20.1...v1.1-1.20.1

EggHunt 1.19.4 v1.1

20 Jul 03:47
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Version 1.1:

Backport of 1.20.1 v1.1 to Minecraft version 1.19.4. See that release for changes.

Compatible with Minecraft version 1.19.x.

Full Changelog: v1.0.1-1.20.1...v1.1-1.19.4

EggHunt 1.20.1 v1.0.1

04 Jul 21:28
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Version 1.0.1:

Fixed a bug in v1.0 where the entity containing the egg (dropped item, player inventory, hopper minecart, etc) would not be correctly loaded after a restart of the server, causing the plugin to lose track of the egg. This version also includes minor changes to the README file.

Compatible with Minecraft 1.20.0-1.20.1.


  • Save the provided .jar file to your server's /plugins directory. Alternatively, you can compile the .jar file yourself by cloning this repository to a local directory and running the maven command mvn package. The packaged .jar will appear in /EggHuntPlugin/target/
  • Restart the server to generate the /plugins/EggHunt directory, which will contain the plugin's config file.
  • Open config.yml in any text editor to change the settings, then restart the server to apply the changes.

The first time you run the server with this plugin installed, you will receive the following warning message in the server console. It is fine to ignore this message the first time the plugin is run.

Could not correctly load egg location data! Was this plugin's data folder deleted?

Known Issues:

  • There may be ways to destroy the dragon egg in ways that the plugin is unable to track, even when invulnerability is enabled. However, there is no known way of "hiding" the egg from the plugin without also destroying it.
  • The togglenotify command has not been implemented yet, but server owners can still change the eggnotify permission for players using any permissions plugin.
  • When enabling the plugin, Bukkit will warn the user with the following message. This is intentional behavior and is necessary due to the limited number of portal-related events that the Bukkit API exposes.

"EggHunt v1.20.1" has registered a listener for org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCreatePortalEvent [...] but the event is Deprecated.

Reporting Bugs

Make sure to read through the above paragraph first to make sure you aren't reporting a known issue.
To report a bug, please open a new Issue in this repository. Provide any relevant log files as attachments.

Full Changelog: v1.0-1.20.1...v1.0.1-1.20.1

EggHunt 1.19.4 v1.0.1

04 Jul 22:21
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Backport of v1.0.1 to Minecraft version 1.19.4. No major changes.

Compatible with Minecraft 1.19.x.


  • Save the provided .jar file to your server's /plugins directory. Alternatively, you can compile the .jar file yourself by cloning this repository to a local directory and running the maven command mvn package. The packaged .jar will appear in /EggHuntPlugin/target/
  • Restart the server to generate the /plugins/EggHunt directory, which will contain the plugin's config file.
  • Open config.yml in any text editor to change the settings, then restart the server to apply the changes.

The first time you run the server with this plugin installed, you will receive the following warning message in the server console. It is fine to ignore this message the first time the plugin is run.

Could not correctly load egg location data! Was this plugin's data folder deleted?

Known Issues:

  • There may be ways to destroy the dragon egg in ways that the plugin is unable to track, even when invulnerability is enabled. However, there is no known way of "hiding" the egg from the plugin without also destroying it.
  • The togglenotify command has not been implemented yet, but server owners can still change the eggnotify permission for players using any permissions plugin.
  • When enabling the plugin, Bukkit will warn the user with the following message. This is intentional behavior and is necessary due to the limited number of portal-related events that the Bukkit API exposes.

"EggHunt v1.19.4" has registered a listener for org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCreatePortalEvent [...] but the event is Deprecated.

Reporting Bugs

Make sure to read through the above paragraph first to make sure you aren't reporting a known issue.
To report a bug, please open a new Issue in this repository. Provide any relevant log files as attachments.

Full Changelog: v1.0.1-1.20.1...v1.0-1.19.4

EggHunt 1.20.1 v1.0

01 Jul 20:02
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Version 1.0

This plugin has been massively overhauled to simplify development, and version 1.0 is ready for release. This version is also compatible with Minecraft version 1.20-1.20.1, and guards against players using bundles to store the dragon egg.


  • Save the provided .jar file to your server's /plugins directory. Alternatively, you can compile the .jar file yourself by cloning this repository to a local directory and running the maven command mvn package. The packaged .jar will appear in /EggHuntPlugin/target/
  • Restart the server to generate the /plugins/EggHunt directory, which will contain the plugin's config file.
  • Open config.yml in any text editor to change the settings, then restart the server to apply the changes.

The first time you run the server with this plugin installed, you will receive the following warning message in the server console. It is fine to ignore this message the first time the plugin is run.

Could not correctly load egg location data! Was this plugin's data folder deleted?

Known Issues:

  • There may be ways to destroy the dragon egg in ways that the plugin is unable to track, even when invulnerability is enabled. However, there is no known way of "hiding" the egg from the plugin without also destroying it.
  • The togglenotify command has not been implemented yet, but server owners can still change the eggnotify permission for players using any permissions plugin.
  • When enabling the plugin, Bukkit will warn the user with the following message. This is intentional behavior and is necessary due to the limited number of portal-related events that the Bukkit API exposes.

"EggHunt v1.20.1" has registered a listener for org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCreatePortalEvent [...] but the event is Deprecated.

Reporting Bugs

Make sure to read through the above paragraph first to make sure you aren't reporting a known issue.
To report a bug, please open a new Issue in this repository. Provide any relevant log files as attachments.

Full Changelog: v1.2...v1.0-1.20.1

EggHunt 1.16.4 v1.2-alpha

05 Mar 21:18
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Added permissions for using commands. They are set to true by default, but can be changed with permission plugins.
Also prevented mushrooms from destroying the egg, other methods to prevent/record destruction of the egg will be implemented in future versions.

Edit: release was deleted and recreated because commits had not been pushed from remote

EggHunt 1.16.4 v1.1-alpha

02 Mar 17:06
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New features:

  • Handling of the egg falling in the void
  • Egg can respawn when destroyed
  • More useful information is passed to mongodb

EggHunt 1.16.4 v1.0-alpha

12 Feb 18:01
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Initial release