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Hypnootize edited this page Nov 9, 2023 · 6 revisions

m0rehud features some new customizations regarding the TargetID, you can choose to display the target health as simple numbers or as a health cross as well enabling and disabling the background.

Uber Icons

You can now choose to display the medigun name as a normal name or as an icon. The uber icons option was born from the need of having a shorter and cleaner TargetID, it makes use of a custom font where some of it's glyphs are replaced with icons, the icons are then applied to the medigun names with the use of Chat_English.res where the custom glyph is added in from of each medigun name.

The icon will change depending on the medigun name, that's why if a medigun is renamed the icon will not be displayed, this is not a huge problem as even with a full name you wouldn't be able to tell the type of medigun when renamed.

Note: The stock medigun for whatever reason doesn't feature a name inside TF_English.res therefore no icon will be displayed when it's equipped.

Increasing The TargetID Uber Size

Outside of all the already present customizations regarding the TargetIDs, one edit that is often discussed is the ubercharge percentage size, this is something that hasn't been implemented in the customization menu yet, so if you wish to tweak the size of this element you will need to follow three steps:

Font Size Increase:

First it's needed to increase the size of the font used by the ubercharge percentage, the fonts in question are inside resource/scheme/fonts_scheme.res and they are called "TargetID" and "TargetIDSmall", with the latter being used for the minmode variant.

Note: If the Medigun Icons customization is active you will be looking to use "TargetIDIcons" and "TargetIDIconsSmall" instead!

In order to increase the font size simply tweak the "tall" value for each one of the fonts.

Uber Percentage Adjustments:

Once the fonts size it's been increased open Resource/UI/TargetID_Base.res, depending on how much the font size has been increased there is a good chance the uber percentage is a little cut off like shown here:

To fix that increase the "tall" value of "TargetDataLabel" until the uber percentage is fully visible.

TargetID Adjustments

The last action will most likely result in the uber being misplaced, like so:

this is normal and to fix that you want to move a couple of elements down by editing their ypos, in particular:


You want to increase the ypos for each of the listed elements by the same amount to ensure everything will stay aligned! The result should look something like this:

Again this might or might not result in some of the listed elements being cut off at the bottom, to get around that you will need to also increase the "tall" value of scripts/layouts/layout_m0re.res > "CMainTargetID", "CSpectatorTargetID" and "CSecondaryTargetID" until the whole TargetID is fully visible and working.