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PAI-SHREYA edited this page May 31, 2022 · 11 revisions

PUZZLE BOX 1. Shreya Pai

Source :Youtube

Working mechanism

Puzzle type: Auto maze.

The box opens through linkage mechanism. The box unlocks when the metal ball reaches the end point of the maze. The sensor present at the end point detects the ball and thus the box gets unlocked.

Link of the auto maze:

Linkage mechanism to unlock the puzzle:

Screenshot (2)

PUZZLE BOX 2.Pavanrd10

A puzzle box (also called a secret box or trick box) is a box that can be opened only by solving a puzzle.


WORKING MECHANISM: The game or puzzle uses an Arduino Uno to drive an OLED display and LEDs to indicate which of the digits in your guessed code, input by a pushbutton encoder, are correct. The LEDs show you which of the digits in your guess are correct but in the wrong place and which are correct and in the correct place. Using this feedback, you can work out what the code is and unlock the safe puzzle box. A new randomly generated code is generated for each game and the game keeps track of how many attempts it takes you to crack the code, which is displayed at the end of the game.



PUZZLE BOX 2.1 .Pavanrd10


WORKING MECHANISM: The box come with pinball game .Pin ball is played with pulling the plunger at the front of the machine to release the ball. Then, the flippers to hit the ball by pressing the buttons on the left and right sides of the machine. Try to aim the ball toward the bumpers throughout the machine, which will bounce the ball and the box will open .


IMAGES: 719G+qvXo6L SL1297

PUZZLE BOX 3.Sampreet Samaje

source : youtube

working mechanism In order to construct this project, we will need to include laser cutting,3D modeling, printing and arduino applications.

  • plug board with 10 numbered connector,accepting 6 ordered pairs of digits.
  • screw panel,inaccessible without the correct tool.
  • grille cipher,with double-sided grille.
  • decryption cipher,with 5 unique two sided gears.
  • reversible drawer causing another drawer to open.
  • hidden in plain-sight puzzles.


PUZZLE BOX 4. Preetam

Source : Youtube

Puzzle type : Arcade game

Working Mechanism : Different mechanisms are used at different parts of the box:

  • Belt and pulley mechanism used to open lid.

  • The system is semiautomatic.

  • the lid unlocks when the ball is placed in the particular position where sensors are placed to detect the presence of ball.

link for the puzzle : [forward to 39.40]

Screenshot 2022-05-30 214028

PUZZLE BOX 5: Manasa S Hullatti

1) Arcade Style Puzzle Box

Source-Practical Engineering, Youtube

Working Mechanism-We should adjust all three knobs so that both needles point to flash lights at the same time. Each knob turns is different direction.


Screenshot (674)

2) Arduino and Rotatory Telephone puzzle

Source-Playful Technology

Working Mechanism-The code is the input from rotatory telephone, and if it is correct, the music is played. The sensor senses this audio input and unlocks the door. Similar puzzle can be used for unlocking the puzzle box.


Screenshot (672)