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pdf‐frame tags

Narayana Swamy edited this page May 4, 2024 · 3 revisions

PDF-Frame provides a set of predefined elements to define geometrical shapes and content in an easy and intuitive way. Below are the list of primitive and abstract elements supported by pdf-frame.

Table of Contents

pdfFrame Element

The pdfFrame is the main container element. It defines the output context and other configurations of the output context such as type, width, height, configurations, hooks:

For PDF:

<pdfFrame type="pdf" width="595" height="841" :config="{}" :info="{}" :encryption="{}" @on-ready="callback"  @on-update="callback" @on-resize="callback"></pdf-frame>

For Canvas:

<pdfFrame type="canvas" width="595"<optional> height="841"<optional> @on-ready="callback"  @on-update="callback" @on-resize="callback"></pdf-frame>

Supported Elements

Denotes an individual page within the PDF. "p-template" specifies the template applied to the page.

<i-page p-template="temp-1"></i-page>

Define page styles and assign them to respective pages using the "p-template" attribute.

<i-page-template id="temp-1"></i-page-template>

Draws rectangles with attributes like position (x, y), width, height, and styling properties.

<i-rect :x="0" :y="0" :width="595" :height="800" :style="{ fillStyle:'#ff0000' }" />

Draws circles with attributes like cx, cy, and r for position, size, and style properties.

<i-circle :cx="0" :cy="0" :r="50" :style="{ fillStyle:'#ff0000' }" />

Draws lines with x1, y1, x2, y2 attributes for start and end points.

<i-line :x1="0" :y1="0" :x2="50" :y2="50" :style="{ stroke:'#00ff00' }" />

Groups other elements together for collective styling or transformation.

<i-group id="group-1" :transform="{‘translate’: [100, 50]}" />

Defines complex paths using commands and parameters in the d attribute.

<i-path d="M0,0 L10,23Z" :style="{ fill:'#00ff00' }" />

Creates polygons with multiple sides, defined by the points attribute.

<i-polygon :points="[{x: 0, y:0},{x: 100, y:200},{x:200, y:300}]" :style="{ stroke:'#00ff00' }" />

Creates polyline defined by the points attribute.

<i-polyline :points="[{x: 0, y:0},{x: 100, y:200},{x:200, y:300}]" :style="{ stroke:'#00ff00' }" />

Draws ellipses using cx, cy, rx, and ry attributes for center, horizontal radius, and vertical radius.

<i-ellipse :cx="0" :cy="0" :rx="50" :ry="50" :style="{ fillStyle:'#ff0000' }" />

Renders text using x, y, text attributes as per style format. Width attribute for wrapping text.

<i-text :x="0" :y="60" :text="aboutText" :width="530" :style="{fill:'grad(grad1)',font: '25px Arial', align: 'center'}" class="text_123" />

Renders images using x, y, width, height, and src attributes.

<i-image src="src/assets/i2d-frame.svg" :width="200" :x="175" :y="0" />

Color gradients

PDF frame supports linear or radial gradients akin to I2djs.

Defines linear gradient fills.

<i-linearGradient id="grad1" :x1="0" :y1="0" :x2="100" :y2="0" :colorStops="[{ color: '#FF7C80', offset:0, opacity: 1}, { color: '#0075F3', offset:100, opacity: 1}]" />

Defines radiant gradient fills.

<i-radialGradient id="grad1" :inerCircle="{x: 0, y: 0, r: 50}" :outerCircle="{x: 0, y: 0, r: 100}" :colorStops="[{ color: '#FF7C80', offset:0, opacity: 1}, { color: '#0075F3', offset:100, opacity: 1}]" />

Animation Tags

To define attribute animation on the element.

            height: 400,
              fillStyle: 'hsl(' + ((Math.random() * 25 * 4) % 360) + ',100%,50%)',
          ease= "easeInOutSin"
          direction= "alternate"

To define path animation on the path element.

              d: 'M522.149671,254.139433 C522.041988,207.959016 521.986515'
            ease= "easeInOutSin"