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Server-Only UID2 Integration Example

This example demonstrates how a content publisher can use the UID2 services to implement the custom UID2 integration workflow.

For an example application using the UID2 SDK for JavaScript, see UID2 SDK Integration Example.

NOTE: While the server side of the example application is implemented in JavaScript using node.js, it is not a requirement. You can use any technology of your choice and refer to the example application for illustration of the functionality that needs to be implemented.

Build and Run the Example Application

The easiest way to try the example is to use the following docker build command:

docker build . -t uid2-publisher-server
docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 \
    -e UID2_BASE_URL="" \

The following table lists the environment variables that you must specify to start the application.

Parameter Data Type Description
UID2_BASE_URL string The base URL of the UID2 service. For example:
Testing environment:
For details, see Environments.
UID2_API_KEY string Your UID2 authentication key for the UID2 service specified in UID2_BASE_URL.
UID2_CLIENT_SECRET string Your UID2 client secret for the UID2 service specified in UID2_BASE_URL.
SESSION_KEY string The key to the encryption session data stored in the application session cookie. This can be any arbitrary string.

After you see output similar to the following, the example application is up and running.

> uid2-publisher@1.0.0 start /usr/src/app
> node server.js

Example app listening at http://localhost:3000

If needed, to close the application, terminate the docker container or use the Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut.

Test the Example Application

The example application illustrates the steps documented in the Server-Only UID2 Integration Guide.

The application provides three main pages: index (main), example content 1, and example content 2. Access to these pages is possible only after the user completes the login process. If the user is not logged in, they will be redirected to the login page.

Submitting the login form simulates logging in to a publisher's application in the real world. Normally the login would require checking the user's secure credentials (for example, a password), but for demonstration purposes this step is omitted, and the login process focuses on integration with the UID2 services instead.

The following table outlines and annotates the steps you may take to test and explore the example application.

Step Description Comments
1 In your browser, navigate to the application main page at http://localhost:3000. The displayed main (index) page of the example application provides a login form for the user to complete the UID2 login process.
IMPORTANT: A real-life application must also display a form for the user to express their consent to targeted advertising.
2 Enter the user email address that you want to use for testing and click Log In. This is a call to the /login endpoint (server.js). The login initiated on the server side then calls the POST /token/generate endpoint and processes the received response.
The main page is updated to display links to the two pages with protected content and the established UID2 identity information. The displayed identity information is the body property of the JSON response payload from the successful POST /token/generate response. If the response is successful, the returned identity is saved to a session cookie (a real-world application would use a different way to store session data) and the protected index page is rendered.
3 Click either of the two sample content pages. When the user requests the index or content pages, the server reads the user session and extracts the current UID2 identity (server.js). The advertising_token on the identity can be used for targeted advertising.
4 Click the Back to the main page link. Note that the identity contains several timestamps that determine when the advertising token becomes invalid (identity_expires) and when the server should attempt to refresh it (refresh_from). Every time a protected page is requested, the verifyIdentity function (server.js) calls POST /token/refresh as needed.
The user is automatically logged out in the following cases:
- If the identity expires without being refreshed and refresh attempt fails.
- If the refresh token expires.
- If the refresh attempt indicates that the user has opted out.
5 To exit the application, click Log Out. This calls the /logout endpoint on the server (server.js), which clears the UID2 session and the first-party cookie and presents the user with the login form again.
NOTE: The page displays the Log Out button as long as the user is logged it.