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Version 0.0.2

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@IAmTomahawkx IAmTomahawkx released this 16 Sep 22:58
· 27 commits to master since this release

(from changelog.rst)


  • Fixed a parsing bug where if statements would skip parsing of the line below the code block, IE
    if (1 is 1) {
        say("obviously this is true")
    } else {
        say("this isn't possible!")
    $var = "hi" //this line would get skipped
  • fixed the readme stating that else was default
  • fixed the return statement raising StopIteration instead of StopAsyncIteration in python, causing a RuntimeError because it's in an async function
  • changed the "something isn't right" text when the line can't be parsed to the more appropriate "SyntaxError: line"