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File metadata and controls

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This document contains useful day-to-day HSM dataset level commands

LIST commands

Description Command
List out all backup volumes LIST BACKUPVOLUME
List out data for a selected backup volume LIST BACKUPVOLUME(*volume here*)
List out all empty backup volumes LIST BACKUPVOLUME SELECT(EMPTY)
List out all disaster recovery migration tapes HSEND LIST TTOC SELECT(DISASTERALTERNATEVOLUMES)
List out the contents of a small dataset packing dataset on the specified volume HSEND LIST DATASETNAME MIGRATIONCONTROLDATASET -SELECT(VOLUME(*volume here*) SDSP) ODS(*list.output.filename*)
List out all migrated datasets with the specified high level qualifier HSEND LIST LEVEL(*HLQ here*) MIGRATIONCONTROLDATASET ODS(*list.output.filename*)
List out all the backups for files that match a partial dataset name HSEND LIST LEVEL(*partial.dsname*) BCDS ODS(**)
List out all migrated datasets starting with RSJPROD that have not been referenced for less than 10 days, or more than 50 days HLIST LEVEL(RSJPROD) SELECT(AGE(10 50)) MCDS TERM
List out all the files that were on a primary volume last time it was backed up HSEND LIST PVOL(*volume here*) BCDS BACKUPCONTENTS ODS(**)
List out DUMP objects LIST DUMPCLASS(*class*) or LIST DUMPVOLUME(*volume here*)

BACK UP commands

Description Command
Manually backup a dataset HBACK /
Set up backup destination BACKDS ** TARGET(DISK) CC(REQUIRED LE)
Restore a data set from the backup HRECOVER / REPLACE
Recover a file to a different name, and select a backup taken on a specific date HSEND RECOVER *recovered.filename* NEWNAME(*recovered.filename.newname*) -DATE(99/11/16)
Recover a file to a new name, and force it onto a non-SMS volume HSEND RECOVER *recovered.filename* NEWNAME(*recovered.filename.newname*) -TOVOLUME(V00101) UNIT(3390) FORCENONSMS
Delete ALL backups for the file HSEND WAIT BDELETE (**)

MIGRATION commands

Description Command
Migrate all data sets on the specified volume MIGRATE VOLUME(*volume_name* MIGRATE(0))
Migrate specified data set directly to a migration level 2 volume MIGRATE DATASETNAME(USER01.TEST.JOB) MIGRATIONLEVEL2
Remove all data sets from a primary volume MIGRATE VOLUME(ONVOL MIG(0)) CONVERT
Moving data sets from a primary volume to another primary volume MIGRATE VOLUME(*primary_volume01* MIGRATE(0)) CONVERT(*primary_volume02*)
Bring a data set back to primary disk HRECALL /
Bring a data set back to primary disk. VOLCOUNT(ANY) will make the file go multi-volume, and will use up to 59 volumes HRECALL / DFDSSOPTION VOLCOUNT(ANY)
Bring a data set back to primary disk. The FORCENONSMS option to make the recall go to an empty spare volume, but then you have to relocate the file later HRECALL / FORCENONSMS UNIT(*unittype*) VOLUME(*volume here*)
Delete a migrated data set without recalling the data HDEL /