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interfiberschool edited this page Mar 17, 2023 · 4 revisions

enum hotwire_status_code

Status codes

struct hotwire_dll_t

Holds the plaform-specific DLL handle.

struct hotwire_dll_t hw_dlopen(const char *file, int flags, void(*error_callback)(char* message))

Opens a DLL from file, using flags if required. Flags are ignored on Windows, but should be used for cross-platform support. If the error callback function is NULL, the application will exit with a seg-fault. It is recommended to set this callback to be something

void *hw_dlsym(struct hotwire_dll_t dll, const char *symbol)

Retrieves a the symbol named symbol from the DLL, and returns a pointer to it

enum hotwire_status_code hw_dlclose(struct hotwire_dll_t handle)

Closes the DLL, freeing it from memory