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IBM FHIR Server 4.0.0 - Release Candidate 2

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@prb112 prb112 released this 31 Oct 11:21

The second release candidate for the IBM FHIR Server under the Apache 2.0 license.

This release addresses the following:

  • Issue #329 - fix invalid sql presentation in the query builder and aggregator code
  • issue #334 - add microsecond truncation logic and add db support for timestamp precision
  • issue #334 - increases automation coverage of Java (OpenJDK) and reduce extraneous logging in build


  • issue #322 - update the parent dependencies for jackson libraries version

Resolve Bugs

  • issue #2 - condense projects and update
  • issue #145 - updates for build and deploy
  • issue #193 - client swallows IO exceptions
  • issue #262 - unified from/where clausebuilder codes
  • issue #314 - use IN instead of EQ in _revinclude WHERE clause
  • issue #314 - introduce PL tests for paging and include/revinclude


  • issue #262 - Modify SQLQueryBuilder to improve search performance
  • issue #262 - Performance enhancement for include search