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Repo for IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center Level 3 training

Last publish date: 2023

ITZ Collection:

ITZ Environment:

ITZ gitops pattern:

ITZ account: ITZ - ADHOC03

Summary of environment and automation

For this lab, no new resources are provisioned as part of the ITZ automation; however, the user is instructed to create a VSI on VPC and optionally adding their mobile device to receive notifications through IMB Cloud Event Notifications. The lab consists of many click-thru demonstrations, pre-provisioned instances of SCC and Event Notifications.

In the ITZ automation:

  • users are added to the above ITZ account
  • users are added to the SCC-L3 IAM access group. The access group has the following access roles/policies defined:


To perform the maintenance steps below, you must have admin access in the ITZ IBM Cloud account: 2305900 - iTZ - ADHOC03.

Verify the following resources are available (

Instance: SCC-L3 (us-south)

Attachments: SCC-L3-CIS - DO NOT DELETE, SCC-L3-fs-attachment - DO NOT DELETE, SCC-L#-attachment - DO NOT DELETE, IKS benchmark attachment - DO NOT DELETE

Profiles: scc-l3-cis-DO-NOT-DELETE, se-scc-l3-DO-NOT-DELETE

Libraries: SCC-L3-control-lib

Rules: Verify VPC IP spoofing is disabled.

Integrations: ToROKSCluster (SCC workload protection)

Settings->Storage: COS instance: COS-SCC-L3 COS Bucket: scc-l3-bucket

Settings->Event Notifications: eventnotifications-scc-l3

IKS clusters: scc-l3-iks-DO-NOT-DELETE scc-l3k8s-cluster - need to see who created this and if it can be removed. I don't think it is actively used in the lab.

Workload Protections->Git Integrations: Robot-shop

VSIs: scc-l3-test-vsi, scc-test-vsi-do-not-delete

Users are instructed to create and remove several resources while executing this lab. You should check that this is being done.

  1. Go to SCC Profiles for the SCC-L3 instance, sort on "type" and remove any Custom profile that is > 2 weeks old and is not one of the above listed pre-provisioned profiles.

  2. Go to SCC Control libraries for the SCC-L3 instance, sort on "type" and remove any Custom profile that is > 2 weeks old and is not one of the above listed pre-provisioned libraries.

  3. Go to SCC Rules for the SCC-L3 instance, sort on "type" and remove any Custom profile that is > 2 weeks old and is not one of the above listed pre-provisioned rules.

  4. Verify the scc-l3-iks-DO-NOT-DELETE IKS cluster is active and in the normal state.

  5. Remove any old (>2 weeks) VSIs in the VPC. Most users will create their VSI in the Dallas region, but you should check all the regions. Any VSI in the SCC-L3 resource group that is > 2 weeks should be removed. You can check this by looking at the dates of each VSI, or comparing the VSI name with the list of current users in the SCC-L3 IAM access group, or you can run the following commands in a cloud shell instance or on your machine if you have the IBM Cloud CLI's installed (along with VPC plugin). The script assumes you are authenticated (ibmcloud login -sso). The script is interactive and will prompt you through cleaning up left-over VSIs. It will also remove any stray users (interactively) but this shouldn't be necessary.

wget -O itzSCCMaintenance.perl

chmod +x itzSCCMaintenance.perl

perl ./itzSCCMaintenance.perl
  1. Event notifications (EN) - Using event notifications is an optional part of the lab. Users are encouraged to remove themselves, but they don't always do that. The EN CLI's don't allow you to remove users from a subscription so I do this manually. I mainly look for:

    • expired invitations
    • active SMS numbers with an "Date activated" > 2 weeks from today.
    • unsubscribed SMS numbers

This video shows the above.



Repo for IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center Level 3 training







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