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Monorepo for Decision support for Intervention Planning

1. System Requirements

Clone repository using SSH

  1. Check for existing keys on the terminal using

    ls -al ~/.ssh
    • Move to step 3, if you remember the password of the existing key
    • If there are no existing keys, move to step 2
  2. Generate new ssh keys on the terminal using

    ssh-keygen -t rsa

    Press Enter for the following follow up requests in order to save the identification in the default /User/computer_name/.ssh/id_rsa and the public key in /User/computer_name/.ssh/

    The follow up requests include:

    • Enter file in which to save the key:
    • Enter passphrase:
    • Enter same passphrase again:
  3. Add the SSH key to your Github Account(

    1. Copy the SSH public key to your clipboard on the terminal using
      pbcopy < ~/.ssh/
    2. Paste the SSH public key to your Github Account
      • Settings => SSH and GPG KEYS => New SSH Key button
      • In the Key Text Field : Paste the SSH Public Key
      • In the Title Text Field : Add preferred title(i.e., MY SSH KEY)
      • Press Add SSH Key and confirm password to continue
  4. Clone the accelerated-decision-making-with-ai repository in the dev folder(or any preferred folder)

    1. On the terminal, change the directory then create a new folder/directory called dev
      cd ~
      mkdir dev
    2. Clone the repository
      git clone

Install HomeBrew -(to simplify the installation of software)

  1. Launch Visual Studio Code and open the AppServer folder in the accelerated-decision-making-with-ai folder in the dev folder
    cd dev
    cd accelerated-decision-making-with-ai
    cd AppServer
  2. Create a new terminal
  3. On the Visual Studio terminal, install HomeBrew using
    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install Maven

  1. Update HomeBrew on the Visual Studio terminal using the command:
    brew update
  2. Install Maven on the Visual Studio terminal using the command:
    brew install maven
  3. Check the maven version installed (maven 3.8.6)
    mvn -version

Install Java11

  1. On the Visual Studio terminal, install java jdk11 using the command:
    brew install java11
  2. Check the version of java installed
    java -version
  3. To allow the system to find the java runtime use:
    sudo ln -sfn /usr/local/opt/openjdk@11/libexec/openjdk.jdk /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-11.jdk
    echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/openjdk@11/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
    export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openjdk@11/include"
  4. Check the version of java installed again to accertain the system can recognize the java version installed
    java -version

2. Setting up the AppServer

Follow prompts under appserver directory below: link to AppServer ReadMe file

3. Setting up the Dashboard

Follow prompts under dashboard directory below: link to Dashboard ReadMe file

4. Setting up the Job Deployment Service

Follow prompts under jobDeploymentService directory below: link to JobDeploymentService ReadMe file

5. Handling the initializations

Follow prompts under initialization directory below: link to Initialization ReadMe file